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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2023 in all areas

  1. Aici vor apărea toți adminii care primesc upgrade/downgrade, pe baza unui motiv sau a unei dovezi. Doar ownerii (fondatorii) serverului sau managerul responsabil de admini și upgrade/downgrade au dreptul să posteze iar upgrade-ul/downgrade-ul trebuie însoțit de un motiv ! Upgrade / Downgrade / Remove ➸ Numele adminului: ➸ Gradul avut: ➸ Grad nou: ➸ Motiv: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EN Here will be posted all the admins that receive an upgrade/downgrade, based on a reason or proof. Only server owners (founders) or the manager responsible for admins and upgrade/downgrade have the right to post here and the upgrade/downgrade must be followed by a reason ! Upgrade / Downgrade / Remove ➸ Admin name: ➸ Old rank: ➸ New rank: ➸ Reason:
    1 point
  2. # Modelul trebuie respectat, altfel cererea va fi RESPINSĂ din start! # Nume Topic: [OFFICIAL] UNBAN"Nick-ul Tău" Succes, Staff OFFICIAL.DUAL-GAMING.RO
    1 point
  3. Cautam jucatori relaxati, rabdatori, care stiu sa faca diferenta intre skill si hack, cu respect pentru jucatorii cu bun simt. Citeste REGULAMENTUL si daca crezi ca te incadrezi, urmeaza procedura de mai jos: Creaza un topic nou cu titul "[OFFICIAL] sNd.<nick>" , unde <nick> este numele cu care joci pe server si completeaza dupa modelul de mai josWe are looking for relaxed, patient players who know the difference between skill and hack, with respect for players with common sense. Read the regulation and if you think you fit in, follow the procedure below: Create a new topic with the title "[OFFICIAL] sNd.<nick>", where <nick> is the name you play with on the server and complete it according to the model below Model cerere Admin Vârsta: Experienţa ca admin(perioada de timp in care ai activat ca admin): Ore jucate (GAMETRACKER ): Poti ajuta financiar?: De ce doresti accesul?: Ai citit REGULAMENTUL?: *Este necesar un minimum de timp petrecut pe server pentru a ne putea forma o parere despre tine. Model de confirmare acces: [!]: În cazul în care, cererea acces a dumneavoastră a fost acceptată, veți da PM, celui care v-a închis topicul, sub forma următoare: ★ Răspunsul la întrebarea Ai citit regulamentul ? se află aici: ÎN REGULAMENT ★ Este nevoie de minim 5 ore jucate. ★ Vârsta minimă 16 ani. ★ Numele topicului trebuie să fie de forma: [OFFICIAL] Admin NICK ★ Gradul oferit este HELPER! ★ Fiecare ACCES PRIMIT va fi testat de un owner. (Va da un test de 15 minute - 10 întrebări). ★ Aveți voie la o altă cerere la 3 zile de când a fost respinsă prima cerere! ★ În cazul în care Modelul de Confirmare Acces nu se va respecta, confirmarea nu va fi luată în seamă. Accese admin HELPER amx_slap amx_gag amx_last amx_showip amx_spectate amx_nick amx_votemapmenu amx_t, amx_ct, amx_spec amx_chat ESP MENU *Este necesar un minimum de timp petrecut pe server pentru a ne putea forma o parere despre tine. EN We are looking for relaxed, patient players who know the difference between skill and hack, with respect for players with common sense. Read the REGULATION and if you think you fit in, follow the procedure below: Create a new topic with the title "[OFFICIAL] sNd.<nick>", where <nick> is the name you play with on the server and complete it according to the model below. Model Reguest Admins Age: Experience as an admin (time period in which you have been active as an admin): Hours Played(GameTracker.Com Link ): Can you help financially?: Why do you want access?: Have you read the rules?: *A minimum amount of time spent on the server is required in order for us to form an opinion about you. ★The answer to the question Have You read the regulations? it is here: IN THE REGULATIONS ★ A minimum of 5 hours of play is required. ★ Minimum age 16 years. ★ Topic name must be of the form: [OFFICIAL] Admin NICK ★ The degree offered is HELPER! ★ Every ACCESS RECEIVED will be tested by an owner. (He will give a test of 15 minutes - 10 questions). ★ You are allowed another application 3 days after the first application was rejected! ★ If the Access Confirmation Model is not followed, the confirmation will not be taken into account.
    1 point
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