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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2023 in all areas

  1. Ban Information Name: IP: Reason: Ban Length:
    1 point
  2. Aici vom anunta update-urile facute la server. English: Here we will announce all updates from server.
    1 point
  3. Model postare BUG: Numele cu care erai conectat pe server cand ai descoperit bug-ul: Bug-ul descoperit: Unde l-ai descoperit (locatie/comanda/altundeva): Poza sau clip video in care prezinti bug-ul: Esti sigur ca nu a fost intentionat facut asa: Înainte de a posta: *Asigură-te că ceea ce raportezi nu a fost intenționat făcut așa! *Aici se vor posta exclusiv bug-urile de pe server. *Pentru cele descoperite pe forum/site, postați în secțiunea 'Observații și Sugestii'. *Dacă nu poți oferi o soluție sau o descriere mai amănunțită îți este interzis să postezi (riști ban)! English: BUG topic form: The name with which you were connected when you discovered the bug: Bug you discovered: Where did you discover it (location/command/somewhere else): Image or video clip in which the bug is described: Are you absolutely certain it was not made on purpose: Before posting: *Make sure that what you are reporting, has not been intended to be like that! *Here you can post only server bugs. *For bugs discovered on the forum/website, please post in 'Observații și Sugestii'. *If you cannot offer a solution or a better explanation, you are not allowed to post (you risk ban)!
    1 point
  4. Model postare RECLAMATIE JUCATOR: Numele tau de pe server: Numele celui reclamat: Motivul reclamatiei, abuzul sau: Dovezi (imagini sau clipuri video): Jucatorul respectiv este VIP pe server: Daca da, acesta a abuzat de o functie VIP la care are acces: De ce i-ai facut reclamatie: Consideri ca e un abuz grav: Cum l-ai sanctiona: - Dovezile sub forma fie de imagini sau clipuri video, sunt obligatorii pentru orice reclamatie! - Daca reclamatia ta nu este sustinuta de dovezi concrete, va fi automat respinsa! - Daca nu esti implicat in reclamatie, sau nu ai dovezi care sa sustina vinovatia/nevinovatia jucatorului, iti este interzis sa postezi si vei primi suspend 5 zile! - Odata ce ai facut reclamatia nu o mai poti retrage! In caz contrar vei sanctionat cu ban pe o perioada de 5 zile! English: PLAYER COMPLAINT topic form: Your exact server nickname: The exact nickname of the player: The reason of this complaint, his mistake or abuse: Proof (Images, or video clips): Is said player a server VIP: If he is, did he abuse VIP functions he has access to: Why did you submit this complaint: Do you consider this to be a severe abuse: How would you punish him: - Proof in the form of images or video clips is required for creating complaints! - If your complaint isn't supported by proofs, it will be automatically rejected! - If you are not involved in the complaint, or don't have proof to sustain the innocence of the player, you are not allowed to reply to complaints; violating this rule will lead to a 5 days suspension! - Once submitted, a complaint cannot be withdrawn! Violation of this rule will lead to a 5 days ban!
    1 point
  5. Numele tău pe server: Durata inactivității: Motivul ei: Cererile de inactivitate pot fi acceptate, sau respinse de către management / support în funcție de motivul lor, dar și de durata inactivității. Adminii care nu-și anunță inactivitatea, și mai ales nu specifică durata inactivității, vor primii demote dacă acumulează 30 de zile de inactivitate. Adminilor cărora le expiră flag-ul și nu intră în 72 de ore de la expirarea lui, vor primii și ei de asemenea demoted. English: INACTIVITY NOTICE MODEL: Your server name: Duration of inactivity: Her reason: Inactivity requests can be accepted or rejected by the management / support depending on their reason, but also the duration of the inactivity. Admins who do not announce their inactivity, and especially do not specify the duration of inactivity, will receive demotes if they accumulate 30 days of inactivity. Admins who expire their flag and do not enter within 72 hours of its expiration will also receive demoted.
    1 point
  6. Cerinte: - Istoric curat. Sa nu fi avut probleme mari cu adminii in trecut, cum ar fi banuri, tepe, certuri, de-astea. - Vechime minim 3 luni si activitate pe forum. - Serios si pregatit sa ajuti administrarea serverului! - Minim 14 ani, sa fii capabil sa scrii corect, sa ai un comportament decent fara sa fi fost implicat in certuri cu alti playeri, cu injuraturi de tarani si de-astea. A nu se confunda cu rivalitatea intre clanuri/ganguri unde evident ca se accepta atat timp cat stiti limita de bun simt. Sa te descurci sa iei decizii corecte pe cont propriu nu sa astepti intotdeauna ca cineva cu rank mai mare sa te indrume. - Sa ai cunostinte DM cu armele RW si WW, sa poti face C-Bug si No-Reload incat sa fi capabil sa diferentiezi un codat de un player cu skill. Nota /Stats - 10/10 obligatoriu. Faceti cererile intr-un topic nou. Titlul topicului trebuie sa fie intotdeauna de forma "Cerere admin + Numele pe care il aveti pe SERVER" Model: *Nume pe server: *AKA: *Vechime pe server: *Mic reminder cu activitatea mea in comunitate*: *De ce m-am hotarat sa devin Admin: Poza /Stats obligatoriu: *Proof Video: English: Requirements: - You have at least 3 months on the server and on forum -Clean history. You should´ve never been caught using cheats, tricks on players or other bad things that you were guilty. -Minimum 14 years old, you need to know how to write well, to have a decent behavior and not use bad words or fight with other players. You need to make decisions on your own and not wait for someone higher rank to teach you. -To have DM knowledge with RW and WW weapons, to be able to do C-bug and No-reload so that you will be able to differentiate a coding from a skilled player - /Stats note: 10/10 Make the request in a new topic. The title of the topic will always need to be ´Request admin + Name on the server´ Model: *Name on server: *AKA: *Time on server: *Small reminder with my activity on the community*: *Why do I want do be Admin: *Proof video: Photo with /stats compulsory:
    1 point
  7. Citeste inainte de a posta. Urmeaza modelul de mai jos altfel cererea nu va fi luata in considerare. Model postare: Nick pe server: Numele admin-ului care te-a banat: Motiv?: Recunosti ca esti vinovat?: Poza: English: Read before post. Follow the model below, otherwise the application will not be considered. Model Post: Nick: Name of the admin who banned you: Reason: Do you admit you are guilty?: Photo: .
    1 point
  8. Salutare , am decis ca de azi să mă ocup eu de această secțiune , să mă ocup de moderarea ei și nu în ultimul rând să vă fac să respectați noul regulament . Regulamentul va fii unul scurt , argumentand și de ce nu urmat de niște sancțiuni pe care voi le veți suporta dacă nu-l respectați . Regulament: 1. Când faceți un topic nou aveți grijă să se afle în titlul lui doar numele vostru si ce vindeți ( exemplu: xyz - Vând stats) 2. Modelul trebuie respectat în totalitate și adăugat în întregime pentru a nu exista suspiciuni . 3. Dacă ați reușit să cumpărați sau să vindeți produsul respectiv dați PM unui moderator ori lăsați un mesaj scurt în topic pentru a atenționa închiderea topicului . 4. In topicul altuia puteti scrie oferta voastra. DOAR oferta, iar vanzatorul spune daca vrea sau nu, nimic altceva. Posturile aiurea vor fi sanctionate. 5. Totodată să nu prind posturi cu jigniri, înjurii sau certuri la adresa userilor. 6. Să nu prind din partea voastră nici un post în care să spuneți : Țepar, de încredere etc . Dacă aveți dovezi și veniți cu argumente sigure în care îmi puteți demonstra cuvintele voastre, PM unui moderator. 7. Este obligatoriu sa puneti, poza cu ce aveti in vanzare, fie 10 ore fie 5 coins , fiind 2 credits! ESTE OLBIGATORIU ! 8. Cine a postat o data in acea zi un "UP" si dupa da delete la acel post si scrie din nou "UP" pentru a fi topicul lui primul va fi sanctionat! 9. Aveti voie să faceti un singur topic pe zi. 10. În acest board se postează doar afaceri pe server, nu steam, paysafecard sau altceva, pentru asta aveti aceasta sectiune 11. Dupa ce ai vândut produsul din topic și vrei sa vinzi altul este necesară creerea altui topic. 12.Daca topicul dumneavoastra prezinta lipsa de interes (mai mult de 30 zile de la ultimul post), acesta va fi inchis. Sancțiuni: Pentru fiecare regulă de mai sus va exista câte o sancțiune, aproape toate. 1 - + 10 warning points 2 - + 10 warning points , +1 warn 3 - -------------------------------------- 4 - delete post + 10 warning points 5 - delete post + 40 warning points 6 - + 2 warn 7 - + 1 warn + ban pe o perioadă de o zi 8 - + 10 warning points , + Nu aveti poza in 24h,topicul va fi sters! 9 - + 20 warning points 10 - +40 warning points , + 2 warn 11 - delete topic + 20 warning points 12 - delete topic + 20 warning points 13 - -------------------------- Momentan acesta este regulamentul secțiunii + sancțiunile, rog multă seriozitate din partea voastră și să-l respectați cât mai bine. Reveniți din când în când pe aici că se pot modifica multe și/sau adăuga. English: Hey, I decided to take care of this section from now on, to deal with its moderation and to make you respect the new rules. The rules are gonna be short, and followed by some sanctions that you will get if you don't respect it. Rules: 1. When you make a new topic make sure the title is just "Shop" and your name (example: xyz - Sell stats) 2. The model needs to be fully respected and added perfectly so it will not exist suspicions. 3. If you are done selling or buying what you wanted send a PM to the moderator or leave a short message in the topic to know that he has to close the topic. 4. In another topic you can write your offer. ONLY the offer, and the seller says whether he wants it or not, nothing else. Nonsense posts will be sanctioned. 5. Also I don't want any posts with insults, bad words or arguments to other users. 6. I don't want to see any posts like "Fake","Trustworthy" etc. If you have proofs and you come with real arguments in which you can demonstrate your words, PM. 7. You're obligated to put a picture with what you sell, even if it's 10 hours, 5 coins or 2 credits. IT'S OBLIGATORY! 8. Who posted "UP" once in that day and then he deletes his post and write again "UP" so his topic will be first will be sanctioned! 9. You are allowed to make only one topic per day. 10. In this section you post only trades with stats, not steam, not paysafecard or something else, for that you have this section. 11. After you sold/bought what you wanted and you want to sell/buy another thing it is necessary to make another topic. Sanctions: For each rule from above will exist a sanction, almost every single one. 1. +10 warning points 2. +10 warning points, +1 warn 3. ------------------------------------ 4. delete post + 10 warning points 5. delete post + 40 warning points 6. +2 warn 7. +1 warn + banned for one day 8. +10 warning points, + You don't have a picture in within 24 hours, the topic will be deleted! 9. +20 warning points 10. +40 warning points, +2 warn 11. delete topic + 20 warning points 12. delete topic + 20 warning points 13. ---------------------------------------- For this moment these are the rules for this section + it's sanctions, I want as much as seriousity from you and to respect it to the best. Come again here occasionally because we might change a lot and/or add something.
    1 point
  9. Pentru a juca pe server-ul Romania Stunt Zone trebuie sa ne respecti regulamentul! In randurile de mai jos vei putea vedea regulile si sanctiunile pe care le vei primi in cazul incalcarii acestor reguli! Reguli si sanctiuni generale: 1 - Nu ai voie sa folosesti un limbaj vulgar. La prima abatere vei primi mute,apoi warn daca limbajul este grav. 2 - Nu ai voie sa folosesti programe / moduri care te ajuta sa fi superior altor jucatori (s0biet,aimbot,etc). Anumite moduri precum mod parkour iti sunt permise,dar fara a abuza de ele,si cateogoric nu in Death Match La prima abatere vei fi sanctionat cu kick,apoi ban 3 zile. Pentru mod parkour,vei fi sanctionat cu jail,apoi kick. 3 - Nu ai voie sa faci spam in chat. La prima abatere vei primi mute,apoi daca vei continua,vei primi warn. 4 - Nu ai voie sa abuzezi de bug-uri! Daca ai descoperit un bug,raporteaza-l pe forum,altfel vei primi ban 10 zile. 5 - Nu ai voie sa faci glume tampite cu /q sau /quit.Pentru asta vei primi ban 99 de zile. 6 - Nu ai voie sa dai tepe prin /trade (un admin trebuie sa fie obligatoriu prezent in momentul. transferului si sa verifice daca totul este in regula) vei primi ban 99 de zile. 7 - Nu ai voie sa folosesti minigun / tank in zone publice (/ls,/sf,etc). Pentru asta vei primi jail apoi kick. 8 - Nu ai voie sa faci reclama. Vei primi ban 99 de zile. 9 - Nu ai voie sa faci drive-by pe alti jucatori. Vei primi jail. 10 -Nu ai voie sa te pui AFK(ESC) intr-un Death Match. Vei primi kick. 11 - Nu ai voie sa faci Death Match in zone cu mod diferit. Vei primi jail,apoi kick. 12 - Nu ai voie sa omori alti jucatori cu /c4 in timpul unui event.Vei primi jail,apoi kick. 13 - Nu ai voie sa exagerezi cu anunturile pe chat. Foloseste /ad sau /vad. Altfel vei primi mute apoi warn. 14 - Nu ai voie sa capturezi un teritoriu cu jocul pe pauza (AFK). Vei primi jail,apoi kick. Aceste reguli vor fi respectate cu precadere de toti jucatorii,indiferent de rank si functia pe care o detin in comunitate! De asemenea,daca un admin considera ca ai facut ceva pentru care trebuie sa fi sanctionat,te poate sanctiona chiar daca nu regasesti sanctiunea in regulament! Daca totusi consideri ca admin-ul nu trebuia sa te sanctioneze,ii poti face o reclamatie pe forum in sectiunea "Reclamatii Admini". English: To play on Romania Stunt Zone server you must respect our rules! Below you will see the rules and their specific penalties for violating a specific rules! General rules and penalties: 1 - You are not allowed to use a bad language. First,you will receive a mute,then a warn. 2 - You are not allowed to use cheats / mods that make you superior over other players (s0biet,aimbot,etc). Mods like parkour can be used,but not in excces,without abusing them and not in Death Matches. First,you will be kicked,then banned for 3 days. For mod parkour abuse,you will be jailed,then kicked. 3 - You are not allowed to spam the chat! First you will be muted,then if you continue,you will be warned. 4 - You are not allowed to abuse on bugs! If you find a bug,report it on the forum,else,you will be banned for 10 days. 5 - You are not allowed to make stupid jokes with /q or /quit. For this you will be banned for 99 days. 6 - You are not allowed to make scams through /trade (an admin must be with you when a trade is made and check if everything is ok) you will be banned 99 for days. 7 - You are not allowed to use minigun / tank in public zones (/ls,/sf,etc). For this you will be kicked,then banned 3 days. 8 - You are not allowed to advertise. You will be banned 99 days. 9 - You are not allowed to drive-by on other players. You will be jailed. 10 - You are not allowed to be AFK(ESC) in a Death Match. You will be kicked. 11 -You are not allowed to make death match in zones with a different mode. You will be jailed,then warned. 12 - You are not allowed to kill other players with /c4 in the time of an event. You will be jailed,then kicked. 13 - You are not allowed to send many announcements on the chat. Use /ad or /vad. Else you will be muted then warned. 14 - You are not allowed to capture a territory while your game is paused (AFK). You will be kicked,then jailed for 3 minutes. These rules will be respected by all players,indifferent of the rank the player owns in the community! Alos,if an admins considers you made something wrong for which you need to be punished he can punish you even if you don't find that mistake or punishement in the rules! If you believe that the admin wich punished you made a mistake, you can report him on the forum in "Reclamatii Admini" board.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Ban Information Name: :'Re|act0r -,--- SteamID: STEAM_0:4:1109625155 Reason: wall Unban Time: Permanent Ban ************************************************
    1 point
  12. Ban Information Name: DON | MOreda SteamID: STEAM_0:4:2132018833 Reason: aim+demo Unban Time: Permanent Ban ************************************************
    1 point
  13. Ban Information Name: ++++2023++++ IP: Reason: aim+demo Unban Time: Permanent Ban ************************************************
    1 point
  14. Ban Information Name: Play3R IP: Reason: wall+no.wg Unban Time: Permanent Ban ************************************************
    1 point
  15. Ban Information Name: NIKOLA TESLA IP: Reason: wall+demo+no.wg Unban Time: Permanent Ban ************************************************
    1 point
  16. Ban Information Name: Younes DZ IP: Reason: wall+demo Unban Time: Permanent Ban ************************************************
    1 point
  17. Ban Information Name: S p L i N t E r IP: Reason: no.wg+demo Unban Time: Permanent Ban ************************************************
    1 point
  18. Ban Information Name: T35-RKS IP: Reason: wall+demo Unban Time: Permanent Ban ************************************************
    1 point
  19. Ban Information Name: mujk11c IP: Reason: wall+demo Unban Time: Permanent Ban ************************************************
    1 point
  20. Ban Information Name: covid IP: Reason: aim+demo Unban Time: Permanent Ban ************************************************
    1 point
  21. Ban Information Name: mama IP: Reason: no.wg Unban Time: Permanent Ban ************************************************
    1 point
  22. Ban Information Name: (3)[FullBoost]Player IP: Reason: wall+demo Unban Time: Permanent Ban ************************************************
    1 point
  23. Prezent , presimt ca ai sa ne spui ceva ce nu vreau sa aud.
    1 point
  24. Normal voi fi prezent doar sa nu intervina ceva💪
    1 point
  25. Ban Information Name: s1LLa IP: Reason: wh+injurii Unban Time: Permanent Ban ************************************************
    1 point
  26. Ban Information Name: Taliban IP: Reason: wall+demo Unban Time: Permanent Ban ************************************************
    1 point
  27. Ban Information Name: _mehmedalija_tuzlak_ IP: Reason: wall+demo Unban Time: Permanent Ban ************************************************
    1 point
  28. S-a rezolvat, am reusit sa intru! Multumesc!
    1 point
  29. Ban Information Name: BILLIARD IP: Reason: aim+demo Unban Time: Permanent Ban
    1 point
  30. Ban Information Name: FerDInand IP: Reason: scripts+2xdemo Unban Time: Permanent Ban ************************************************
    1 point
  31. Ban Information Name: Alinn IP: Reason: aim+demo Unban Time: Permanent Ban ************************************************
    1 point
  32. Ban Information Name: L1quiD IP: Reason: wall+demo+no.wg Unban Time: Permanent Ban ************************************************
    1 point
  33. Ban Information Name: VallY IP: Reason: aim+demo Unban Time: Permanent Ban ************************************************
    1 point
  34. Ban Information Name: <W> IP: Reason: aim+demo Unban Time: Permanent Ban ************************************************
    1 point
  35. Ban Information Name: John IP: Reason: no.wg Unban Time: Permanent Ban ************************************************
    1 point
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