your country history has nothing to do with our server, here we are a comunity that's gathered too play a game in peace and harmony, you have started the same thing some days ago on ts3 and i was persent, 7sky was talking with lisann as weel, i have started to say i love Putin because he stoped the covid with his crazy war...but the thing is tahat you were the one getting in the discution of 7sky and lisann in the same manner tat 7sky is showing us that you have donet again on the server...from me you have a -1. I repeat I DON'T TOLERATE RACISM !
Aici vor apărea toți adminii care primesc modificari ale gradelor , pe baza unui motiv sau a unei dovezi.
Doar Fondatorii serverului sau persoana responsabila de admini și upgrade/downgrade au dreptul să posteze iar actiunea trebuie însoțita de un motiv !
Upgrade / Downgrade Admini vor fi date in functie de:
✮ Activitate Forum
✮ Activitate Banuri
✮ Abateri de la Regulament
✮ Donatii
Upgrade / Downgrade / Remove / Warn
✮ Numele adminului:
✮ Gradul precedent:
✮ Grad nou:
✮ Motiv:
Gradele actuale :
Global Leaders
Super - God
Super - Moderator
Promovarea poate fi oferita maxim pana la gradul de God iar in situatii de exceptie gradul Super - God
Gradul Fondator / Supervisor se ofera doar prin donatie . Acestea primesc si o responsabilitate nu doar gradul in sine .
Data: 11/11
Adminul care te-a banat: rolex
Motiv: "aim" din primul minut in care am intrat pe sv, am jucat o runda dupa care m-a bagat spec, mi-a cerut wg urmat de kick + ban, de ce? nici bine n-am apasat sa dau scan si aveam kick+ban
Dovada: + wg ul cerut:
hello admin friends. I would like to report an incident that is not pleasant for me. You gave the administrator to an obvious Russophobe, apparently.. It's not the first time I've noticed that ts writes about Russia. Now in cs this person wrote "ban Russian pydaras" is this normal in your opinion? p.s. he wrote the word faggot in Russian.
Not tolerating the wer, but i have nothiing to do with their war. Ukraine should think long time ago when they accept UK and US military bases on their country, things that bother Putin...long story i don't have to start a discution on this matter.
what? I didn't write anything to you, my friend, I was communicating with Lisan, not with you. no one has contacted you.. everything is saved in logs..
what kind of joke is this? is this a joke to you? he needs to filter his conversation. and think about when and what to write. it is unpleasant for me to be on the same server with a racist. I think there is no place for such people in our community of administrators..
iti multumesc in primul rand tie pentru tot ce ai creeat, si lui dody vreau sa ii multumesc , amandoi ati avut si aveti incredere in mine , sper si imi dau silinta sa nu va dezamagesc , m-ati invatat multe si in continoare va sustin sa ajungem cat mai sus .
➸ Numele adminului: ~.IraQ.~
➸ Gradul precedent: Administrator
➸ Grad nou: Super-Moderator
➸ Motiv: Incalcarea regulamentului
4. Attacks of any nature between admins are prohibited. Do not judge yourself, present evidence to the founder/supervisor - Violation of the rule is sanctioned starting from -1 degree
Vreau Sa Spun Si Eu Ca Iti Multumim @eNdless Pentru Tot Ce Ai Creeat Si Pentru Toate Eforturile Pe Care Le-ai Depus !!!
Si Multumesc Si Eu COmunitatii Pentru Sprijinul Oferit!!!
➸ Numele adminului: @Aghiuta
➸ Gradul precedent: Moderator
➸ Grad nou: Super-Moderator
➸ Motiv: Activitate server + banlist
#Mai multa activitate in continuare pentru urmatorul upgrade . De preferat si pe forum .
Team Alba.Dual-Gaming.Ro
➸ Numele adminului: @TnT*MiKi_DuTa*
➸ Gradul precedent: Moderator
➸ Grad nou: Super-Moderator
➸ Motiv: Activitate Server + TeamSpeak
#Mai multa activitate in continuare pentru urmatorul upgrade . De preferat si pe forum .
Team Alba.Dual-Gaming.Ro
➸ Numele adminului:Bosanac
➸ Gradul precedent:Moderator
➸ Grad nou:Liber de contract(Remove)
➸ Motiv:prin cu cod....
➸ Numele adminului:Bosanac
➸ Gradul precedent:Moderator
➸ Grad nou:Helper
➸ Motiv:
Deviations from the Regulation....
changing the map faster than necessary and others