Serverele afiliate comunitatii Dual-Gaming beneficiaza de reduceri ,cum ar fi :
Turbo x2 : The server enters the Platform x2, Masterserver and Favorites - 160 euro - Redus la 120 euro
Premium : The server enters the Platform, Masterserver and Favorites - 90 euro - Redus la 70 euro
Normal : The server enters the Platform and Masterserver - 55 euro - Redus la 45 euro
Masterserver : The server enters the Masterserver - 35 euro - Redus la 30 euro
Favorite : The server goes to Favorites - 50 euro - Redus la 40 euro
Night boost : The server enters the Platform x2, Masterserver and Favorites. TIME 23:00 - 09:00 - 90 euro - Redus la 70 euro
Va rog sa o contactati pe Carmen pentru achizitionarea acestor pachete de boost.