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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/2023 in all areas

  1. 1️⃣Nick CS: anacondas keane 2️⃣Vărstă/Age:28 3️⃣De ce doresti upgrade: i'd like to have ban access because of cheaters.
    2 points
  2. On monday you got your DEGREE, today is saturday and you asked for UP again, for this thing, I'm AGAINST (CONTRA) because until today I think I've only seen you once on the server CONTRA
    2 points
  3. Pro si de la mine cu toate ca nu l cunosc! Merg pe mana la baieti!😄
    2 points
  4. You get unban .
    2 points
  5. ======================== ==> DETINATOR <== Merit sau 50 Euro per month ======================== Ask @Ask PuFFz0R @PuFFz0R aDy- @aDy- demos @Demos StirileProTv @Beanco Andrei Zsm @Zsm ======================== ==> COIN-GIVER <== 25 Euro per month ======================== boGdan- @boGdan- ======================== ==> OWNER <== Cel mai mare grad pentru activitate ======================== Planetara @planetara Bak1 @Bak1 *Umbrella*Corporation @cristixp CTRL @CTRL El Bozuco @Bozuc Vin_de_la_Bere @Vin_de_la_Bere qqs @qqs Djalecsandro @djalecsandro MT Leo @Adrian Leo Orange @Orange ======================== ==> CO-OWNER <== ======================== frunza @frunza Kakaoo @Kakaoo1 anacondas keane @anacondas bensedin @bensedin GhostRider @GhostRider Nim @nimzise ======================== ==> MARESAL <== ======================== UMBRO @UMBRO ======================== ==> GENERAL <== ======================== King.Arthur @Benjymoga Marius @mihelemarius Abcc @abcc ======================== ==> COLONEL <== ======================== ======================== ==> MAIOR <== Primul grad de admin pentru cei noi/up de la vip ======================== Mr. Uncle Becali @Becali golgy @golgy Dennyss @dennyss Re Alpha @RE ALPHA ch1n3z @ch1n3z ======================== ==> DOMNISOARA <== Doar pentru fete ======================== UCA @UCA
    1 point
  6. posedatul i think u have no idea,im every day active on server and long,so maybe u confuse me with someone else
    1 point
  7. 1️⃣Nick CS: GhostRider 2️⃣Vărstă/Age: 23 3️⃣SteamID: 4️⃣TeamSpeak3: da/nu -> ts.dual-gaming.ro | GhostRider_CS-1.6@myteamspeak.com 5️⃣Link gametracker cu nick-ul vostru: https://www.gametracker.rs/player/
    1 point
  8. Leave me your username and password in private. As soon as you have the vip, the rules require you to be present on ts3 (with or without sound).
    1 point
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