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Everything posted by Powerel

  1. Powerel


    1 download

    Kalt Town-Bomb Defuse Original dod_kalt by Tim "Waldo" Holt Port by Izuko Fukuda Story: The semi-frozen town of Kalt became the site of some of the war's most brutal battles. - Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists exchanged fierce fire in the streets, houses and sewers. Coutner-Terrorists: Stop terrorists from detonating bomb at Kalt town's your storage caches in villages or at abandoned house used as headquarter. Tip:When it is determined that the Terrorists are using the sewers route to attack, throw flashbangs or HE greandes into the sewers enterance. Terrorists: Enter the village and plant and detonate your bomb in one of two of the town's supply caches or abandoned house. Tip:Use the mill or houses routes to avoid going head-to-head with Counter-Terrorists snipers. Other Notes: There are two target locations in Kalt town.
  2. 19 downloads

    EN: Introducing de_chaos_of_canals. The map shows rain canals that are undergoing repair work. The first version was experimentally made in 5 hours back in 2022. Since then, a lot of water has passed under the bridge, I changed my approach to the map, after working on it normally, I am publishing it. RU: Представляю de_chaos_of_canals. Карта демонстрирует дождливые каналы, в которых ведутся ремонтные работы. Первая версия была экспериментально сделана за 5 часов ещё в 2022 году. С тех пор много воды утекло, я изменил подход к карте, нормально поработав над ней, я её публикую.
  3. Powerel

    de_assault CF


    Abandoned Warehouse(Assault CF Version)-Bomb Defusel Original de_abandonedwarehouse_cf(de_assault_cf)by South Korea Smilegate Port By www-(Chinese)for China Baidu CS Maps ba Story: This place was previously a secret military warehouse of Blackwater PCM, which hid important new weapons and intelligence of Blackwater PCM. According to the information from Blackwater PCM's informants, this place has been targeted by the terrorists and they are plotting to sabotage it. Blackwater sends its elite Blackwater PCM military unit to patrol the warehouse day and night, and the battle with the terrorists is about to start. Counter-Terrorists: The terrorists invaded the Blackwater PCM warehouse and tried to blow up one of the two warehouses where important military supplies were stored, preventing them from planting and detonating the bomb, eliminating all the terrorists or defuse that bomb if they succeeded in planting it. Terrorists: This military warehouse contains important military property belonging to the Blackwater PCM that you wish to destroy, infiltrate the warehouse, locate the warehouse containing the military property and plant and detonate your bomb, prevent the Counter-Terrorists from disarming the bombs and eliminate you before the bomb are successfully detonated. Other Notes: The military warehouse contains two depots containing important military property. Yeah,I know the original cs_asssault is the hostages rescue cs_ start map,but it's a bomb demolition map in CF,so I'm going to change it to the de_ prefix.
  4. Powerel



    The previous posted map de_silo_esc was just a WIP version (thanks to BabangF3rret). I also added the final version of the map. Remake of cutted map de_silo by ESCalation. Map takes place at a Sovjet nuklear silo in winter.
  5. Powerel



    Vicenza-Bomb Defusel Original dod_vicenza by Jeremy "Izuno" Miller, (izuno@planethalflife.com) Port by Izuko Fukuda Story: Italy,two motorcycles escorting items under the control of the Italian Government and the italian military,which were stored in the village in the city of Vicenza,have broken down,and the terrorists have deployed at the other end of the abandoned village to destroy the items under control,while the Italian military has also deployed at the entrance of the village. Counter-Terrorists: The terrorists wanted to plant and detonate their bomb at two motorcycles that had broken down in an abandoned village in Italy in order to prevent the Italian government's contorolled material transfer program.sweep up the abaonded village,prevent any kind of bomb from being planted and detonated at the motorcycles. Terrorists: You want to enter the abandoned and derelict village of Vicenza,plant and detonate your bomb at the two Italian mlitary motorcycles,cross the river or go over the hill to the other side of the village and plant and detonate your bomb at the motorcycles,prevent the Counter-Terrorists from defuse the bomb. Other Notes: There are two target locations in the abandoned village of Vicenza.
  6. Powerel


    1 download

    de_biedronka (Bomb/Defuse) by ALCMDZ & Wheatley Terrorists: you have one bomb target - the Biedronka warehouse. Counter-Terrorist: prevent terrorists from planting a bomb. ------------------------------------------- Welcome to shooting, enjoy the game!
  7. Powerel


    1 download

    I added a second Bomb Site (B) and a dozen or so boxes and improvements to the map, such as an additional passage and an entrance to the top through the bazaar. so that the map is not strictly dominant for CT
  8. Powerel



    ======================================================= de_bgu for Counter-Strike a Half-Life Modification Russia march 02, 2006 ======================================================= ------General Information-------------------------------- Title : de_bgu Filename(s) : de_bgu.bsp Version : 2.4 Final Author : Scream E-mail : babedka@yandex.ru Home page : ICQ : 171213235 Description : Copy of a real bunker adapted for cs fight Other maps : Notes : ------Play Information----------------------------------- Deathmatch : No Single Player : No Cooperative : Yes Mod : Counter-Strike Max # of players : 32 ------Map information------------------------------------- Base : USSR bunker smwhere under Tula Editor(s) used : Valve Hammer Editor 3.5b Other Programms : ZHLT 2.5.3-1.6.1, Wally 1.55b, Corel PhotoPaint 11 Prefabs used : No Known Bugs : No Build Time : two month Compile Machine : PIV-1400 / 1024 Mb Compile Time : 30 min Average R_Speeds : 400wpoly (max650) !max epoly 15000! ------Copyright-Permissions------------------------------ If you enjoy playing this level, please send me an e-mail Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS!!! If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM!!! You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. (c) Copyright 2006 Scream (c) ScR Ind.
  9. 1 download

    Hi there, Finally I've finished my work go_vertigo_classic Big Thanks for : ReydiFox The person who made de_vertigo_go and also gives me idea. Zshiryu777 Vertigo Style CS:GO Textures HD CS:GO Decals There are 4 types of this map. go_vertigo_classic go_vertigo_classic_pub (Put many rooftops to deny if players spamming nades) de_vertigo_classic (For Lower PC / Mobile Players) de_vertigo_cs2_v1 (CS2 layouts in 2024 version) Some textures are made by myself. I tried to made this map more similar CSGO vertigo. Some textures also decompile from CSGO's vertigo. and some textures used from Zshiryu777 's Vertigo Style CS:GO Textures HD, CS:GO Decals Spend almost 7days in Valve Hammer, 6 months (or less) to plan. -description- Vertigo is based on a skyscraper that was under construction And centered the conflict between the Counter-Terrorist and the Terrorist teams. The main objective for the Terrorists were to bomb the building while the CTs must prevent them from achieving their goal. -missions- Counter-Terrorists: Prevent the builing from being destroyed. Terrorists: Plant the bomb and blow up the building. Other Notes: Don't fall off. ---------------------------------------------- If you guys found any issues about map please report immediately!
  10. Powerel



    Jagd-Bomb Defusel Original dod_jagd by Arjan "IR" Bak Port by Izuko Fukuda Story: During an anti-terrorist operation in the suburbs of London,a tank driven by SAS troops broke down in an abandoned village in the suburbs,and in order to repair the tank,the SAS troops had to make a temporary camp in the village and continue their march to the terrorists's hideout on the next day. UK SAS(Counter-Terrorists)'s Missions: Terrorists want to prevent our march by blowing up the statue in the village or our anchored tank awaiting repairs,elimiante all the terrorists and prevnet them from detonating their bomb in bombsites. Leet Crew(Terrorists)'s Missions: You want to blow up the statue in the village or the SAS tank to prevent the continued march of the UK troops to your hideout,infiltrate the village,locate the statue or the tank,plant and detonate your bomb to prevent the planned continuation of the SAS march. Other Notes: There are two Bombsites in the village.
  11. Powerel



    Iwo jima-Bomb Defusel Original tc_iwojima by Tylak Port by Izuko Fukuda Story: During the Pacific War,U.S.forces attacked the Japanese-defend area of Iwo Jima and attempeted to blow up two trench supply areas of one in order to collapse the Japanese war supply lines. Counter-Terrorists(Japanese Armys/Japanese Kidotai): The Yankees have stepped into your territory and are trying to plant and detonate their bomb,this is unforgivable,prevent them from plant and detonat ing their bomb and elimiante them all. Tip:Hide in the sandbagged dead ends of the mines and use shotguns and flashbangs to assassinate careless terrorists. Terrorists(U.S.Armys/SEAL TEAM 6): You want to win the battle by blowing up the two Japanese supply areas on Iwo Jima to force the de fenders to surrender when they are out of ammunition ,infiltrate the island,eliminate any Japs in sight, plant and detonate your bomb in one of two supply areas. Tip:There are many dead ends and claustrophobic,with mostly one-way streets between to two bomb sites,Use the M249s. Other Notes: There are two supply locations on Iwo Jima,and the target locations has been marked.
  12. Powerel



    The Sound-Bomb Defusel Original mariano for Wanted! by Unkown Mapper(Maybe is Wanted! Team's someone?) Port by Izuko Fukuda Story: In 1850,the American West during the great pioneering period,when the gold rush,some cowboys in the Indian land found a buried vein of valuable gold,and occupied the land ready to excavete,this action annoyed the local Indian residents,they decided to the most extreme way,blow up the mine,in order to let these invaders of the gold dream into ashes. Counter-Terrorists(Cowboys): Protect the gold mine and prevent the barbarians from plant and detonate their bomb,eliminate all terrorists or defuse the bomb to win. Terrorists(Indians): The Invaders have taken over the land that gave you birth with life and mined it for their own selfish purposes,this is unforgivable desecration,enter the gold mine,plant and detonate your bomb and prevent Counter-Terrorists from defuse your bomb. Other Note: There is one target location for this operation.
  13. Powerel



    New map from bobo
  14. Powerel



    My first map
  15. Powerel



    Torn_mini Bomb/Defuse Created by Bobo (Johan Fasting) Terrorist's: Must destroy one of the two targets in the map. Counter-terrorist's: Must prevent the terrorist's from bomb the targets. (Press FIRE to continue)
  16. 0 downloads

    Power Station(Inferno CF Version)-Bomb Defusel Original de_inferno_cf(de_powersupply_cf)by South Korea Smilegate and China Tencent Goldsrc Version made by 呆笨企鹅(Stupid Penguin)(Chinese)and 天下霸唱(Tian xia Ba Chang)(Chinese too) Story: The only power supply institution in this desert is hidden in the desert,the power support for the missile launch base built by the United States is always responsible for its safe work by the most elite American secret agents organization. However, after the hostile government received this information, they hired terrorists and ordered them to explode the power supply place, which made the missile launch base paralyzed and weakened the US defense forces. A fierce battle is about to start at this inconspicuous power supply place. Counter-Terrorists: Terrorists want to destroy the power storage equipment or material supply points to paralyze the missile launch base and weaken the US defense forces, protect bombsites, and prevent the explosion of terrorists. Terrorists: You want to explode the power storage equipment or material storage point in this power supply office, so as to paralyze and weaken US defense forces, eliminate all Counter-Terrorists or a detonating bomb in two Bombsites, and prevent the counter-terrorists from Remove bomb. Other Note: There are two bombsites here for terrorists to plant and detonate their bomb.
  17. Powerel



    Off - Bomb/Defuse By Bobo Counter-Terrorist: Prevent Terrorists from bombing the engine crates. Team members must defuse any bombs that threaten targeted areas. Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the C4 must destroy one of the engine crate areas. Other Notes: There are 2 engine crate areas in this mission. (Press FIRE to continue)
  18. Powerel



    make by L@ Chieuve
  19. Powerel



    second map!!! more info inside zip
  20. Powerel



    Rocket Frenzy-Bomb Defuse Original Rocket_Frenzy by Unknown Port by Izuko Fukuda The creaking weight of this decaying orbital satellite launch facility is inexplicably familiar ...... It's now a new target for terrorists, but if Black Mesa's security forces or terrorists can turn on the oxygen lines, power and fuel, they might be able to rekindle the candle. Counter-Terrorists: The terrorists want to detonate the fuel depot or generator room at the launch centre or launch rockets, prevent the terrorists from detonating the fuel depot or generator room at the launch centre and prevent them from launching rockets, or eliminate all the terrorists or defuse the bomb. Terrorists: You want to destroy this abandoned satellite launch centre to promote your "Doomsday for America" theory, enter the launch centre, locate the fuel supply area or the generator room and detonate your bombs, or turn on the fuel supply, the oxygen supply and the power supply and launch the unfired rocket, and stop the Counter-Terrorists from destroying you until one of the two is achieved. Other Notes: There are two target locations in the rocket launch centre, either the fuel supply area of the launch centre or the generator room. If either team restarts the fuel supply, power supply and oxygen supply, it may be possible to relaunch the rocket in the launch centre......
  21. Powerel



    Found at DFC servers website.
  22. Powerel



    Found at DFC Servers website.
  23. Powerel



    A dust inspired defusal map.
  24. Powerel



    Golan Heights-Bomb Defusel Original tc_golan By Alex Jordan (aka AlejandroDaJ) Port by Izuko Fukuda Local Palestinian counter-attacks in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict have threatened the strategic defence system deployed by Israel in the Golan Heights. Palestinian forces occupied an abandoned building in the Golan Heights with a view to invading either the defence system's supply centre or the IDF supply point in the abandoned village in order to defeat the IDF and take over the defence system, while IDF soldiers retreated to a camp in an abandoned building at the base of the opposite hill in order to safeguard the village and the vital supplies in the hilltop storehouse and in the hope of annihilating the IDF. They expected to win the war by annihilating all members of the Palestinian army or by defusing the bombs in order to neutralise the threat. Counter-Terrorists(IDF)'s Missions: The pathetic low-life Palestinians want to blow up our warehouses on the hilltops of the Golan Heights or our supply points in abandoned villages, and our task is simple: kill them all or defuse the bomb that they have planted in the warehouses or in the abandoned village. Terrorists(Leet Crew/PNSF)'s Missions: You want to take advantage of the war by destroying the Israelis in the Golan Heights by destroying their supply depots on hilltops or in abandoned villages, invading the hilltops or the abandoned villages, planting and detonating our C4 bomb in one of them and preventing the Israelis from defuse it. Other Notes: There are two target locations in the Golan Heights, a hilltop IDF‘s resources depot and an IDF resources storage site in an abandoned village.
  25. Powerel



    first ever cs 1.6 map i made more info inside zip
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