Autor: Haotic
Limba: Romana - for English version scroll down
Mai jos aveti exemple, o lista de mesaje, o lista de binduri. Totul poate fi personalizat, in sensul ca puteti lua orice keypad (tasta) din lista de taste si adauga catre bindurile voastre, la fel puteti proceda cu comenzile de admin si/sau mesajele.
Nu orice bind necesita acele ghilimele (mai ales daca mesajul e compus doar dintr-un cuvant, dar este recomandat sa le puneti). Dupa ce copiati in CFG, intrati pe server, scrieti in consola exec numelecfguluivostru.cfg (evident numele ce-l aveti la cfg) + enter. Si apasati pe tastele alese ca sa testati comenzile.
Mesaje disponibile pentru admini
amx_say "mesajul tau aici" - Afiseaza mesajul tau in chat
amx_tsay "mesajul tau aici" - Afiseaza mesajul tau in stanga jos a ecranului - Aici puteti sa folositi si @mesaj, va afisa acel mesaj in aceeasi pozitie
amx_csay "mesajul tau aici" - Afiseaza mesajul tau pe centrul ecranului
exemplu 1: bind "tasta" "amx_tsay Tero planteaza bomba, CT dezamorseaza!"
exemplu 2: bind "tasta" "amx_csay Adauga serverul la favorite!"
Culori alternative pentru mesaje (recomandat sa le folositi doar pe astea pentru ca se vad cel mai clar)
bind "tasta" "amx_tsay green testing the test of testing"
bind "tasta" "amx_tsay cyan testing the test of testing"
Mesaje disponibile (alege, modifica, adauga ce vrei tu in config)
Tero planteaza bomba, CT dezamorseaza!"UPARROW" - sageata sus
Adauga serverul la favorite!
Concurs Top 15 - Premii in valoare de 200$ - Verifica forumul!
Pentru a anunta un codat foloseste U@numelecodatului sau in consola say_team @numelecodatului.
Taste disponibile
"UPARROW" - sageata sus
"DOWNARROW" - sageata jos
"LEFTARROW" - sageata stanga
"RIGHTARROW" - sageata dreapta
"F1", "F2", "F3", "F4"
"F5", "F6", "F7", "F8"
"F9", "F10", "F11"
F12 este tasta de screenshot la STEAM
Taste disponibile pe keypad (cifrele din dreapta tastaturii)
Numpad 1 = "kp_end"
Numpad 2 = "kp_downarrow"
Numpad 3 = "kp_pgdn"
Numpad 4 = "kp_leftarrow"
Numpad 5 = "kp_5"
Numpad 6 = "kp_rightarrow"
Numpad 7 = "kp_home"
Numpad 8 = "kp_uparrow"
Numpad 9 = "kp_pgup"
Numpad 0 = "kp_ins"
Lista de arme si bind-urile lor - "shorcut - Denumirea oficiala"
galil - Galil
ak47 - AK-47
scout - Scout
sg552 - Krieg 552
awp - Magnum Sniper Rifle
g3sg1 - D3/AU1
famas - Famas
m4a1 - M4A1 Carbine
aug - Aug
sg550 - Krieg 550
glock - Glock
usp - USP-S
p228 - 228 Compact
deagle - Deagle
elites - Dual Elites
fn57 - Five-Seven
xm1014 - Leone YG1265 Auto Shotgun
m3 - Leone 12 Gauge Super
mac10 - Ingram MAC-10
tmp - TMP
mp5 - SMG MP5
ump45 - UMP
p90 - p90
m249 - M249
Lista de echipamente si bind-urile lor - "shorcut - Denumirea oficiala"
primammo - Primary Ammo (gloante arma)
secammo - Secondary Ammo (gloante pistol)
vest - Kevlar (vesta ieftina)
vesthelm - Kevlar + Helmet (vesta + casca - mai scumpa)
flash - Flashbang
hegren - HE Grenade
sgren - Smoke Grenade
defuser - Defusal Kit- Smoke Grenade
nvgs - Nightvisionade
shield - Tactical Shield
Atentie!! - Ordinea conteaza!
bind "leftarrow" "flash; flash; hegren; sgren: defuser" - Daca apas sageata stanga (leftarrow) o sa-mi cumpere echipamentele in ordinea din bind, adica:
1 flash -> 1 flash -> 1 grenada -> 1 smoke (nu e disponibil pe server) -> defuser pt bomba
Daca am doar 500$ o sa-mi cumpere 2 flashuri (400$) si atat. Dar daca schimb....
bind "leftarrow" "hegren; flash; flash; sgren: defuser" - O sa-mi cumpere intai o grenada, un flash si apoi flash si restul in functie de banii pe care ii am disponibili.
Atentie!! - 2 arme principale pe un bind!
bind "F1" "ak47;m4a1" - In acest bind, indiferent de echipa din care fac parte (T sau CT), voi cumpara echivalentul.
Daca sunt tero se va cumpara AK 47, daca sunt CT se va cumpara M4A1, apasand aceeasi tasta (in acest caz F1).
Exemple de binduri
bind "UPARROW" "defuser"
bind "DOWNARROW" "flash"
bind "LEFTARROW" "hegren"
bind "RIGHTARROW" "sgren"
bind "F1" "ak47;m4a1"
bind "F2" "famas;galil"
bind "F3" "mp5"
bind "F4" "awp;scout"
bind "F5" "deagle"
bind "F6" "usp"
bind "F7" "vest"
bind "F8" "vesthelm"
bind "F10" "disconnect"
bind "END" "stopsound"
bind "key" "buy flashbang"
bind "key" "buy smokegrenade"
bind "key" "buy hegrenade"
bind "key" "buy p250"
bind "key" "buy tec9; buy fiveseven; buy cz75;"
bind "key" "buy deagle"
bind "key" "buy ak47; buy m4a1;"
bind "key" "buy awp"
bind "key" "buy vest; buy vesthelm;"
Bind-urile mele pentru arme si echipamente (dar acum ma folosesc de meniul de VIP)
bind "kp_downarrow" "deagle"
bind "kp_pgdn" "mp5"
bind "kp_leftarrow" "m4a1; ak47"
bind "kp_rightarrow" "awp"
bind "kp_5" "famas; galil"
bind "kp_end" "usp"
bind "leftarrow" "flash; flash; hegren; sgren: defuser"
bind "uparrow" "vest; vesthelm"
Setari generale (pt cei care au acces la cvar)
bind "tasta" "amx_cvar sv_maxunlag 1"
bind "tasta" "amx_cvar sv_unlag 1"
bind "tasta" "amx_cvar mp_timelimit 0"
bind "tasta" "amx_cvar mp_autoteambalance 1"
Language: English
Below you have some examples, a message list, a bind list. Everything can be customized, in the sense that you can take any keypad (key) from the list of keys and add it to your binds, in the same way you can proceed with admin commands and/or messages.
Not every bind requires those quotes (especially if the message is composed of only one word, but it is recommended to put them). After copying to CFG, enter the server, write in the console exec the nameofyourcfg.cfg (obviously the name you have in cfg) + enter. And press the chosen keys to test the commands.
Messages available for admins
amx_say "your message here" - Display your message in the chat
amx_tsay "your message here" - Display your message in the bottom left of the screen - Here you can also use @message, it will display that message in the same position
amx_csay "your message here" - Display your message in the center of the screen
example 1: bind "key" "amx_tsay Tero plant the bomb, CT defuse!"
example 2: bind "key" "amx_csay Add server to favorites!"
Alternative colors for messages (recommended to use only these because they are the clearest)
bind "key" "amx_tsay green testing the test of testing"
bind "key" "amx_tsay cyan testing the test of testing"
Mesaje disponibile (alege, modifica, adauga ce vrei tu in config)
Tero plant the Bomb, CT defuse!- up arrow
Add server to favorite!
Top 15 Contest - Prizes worth 200$ - Check the forum!
To announce a cheater use U@cheatername or write in console say_team @cheatername.
Available keys
"UPARROW" - up arrow
"DOWNARROW" - down arrow
"LEFTARROW" - left arrow
"RIGHTARROW" - right arrow
"F1", "F2", "F3", "F4"
"F5", "F6", "F7", "F8"
"F9", "F10", "F11"
F12 is the screenshot key in STEAM
Keys available on the keypad (numbers to the right of the keyboard)
Numpad 1 = "kp_end"
Numpad 2 = "kp_downarrow"
Numpad 3 = "kp_pgdn"
Numpad 4 = "kp_leftarrow"
Numpad 5 = "kp_5"
Numpad 6 = "kp_rightarrow"
Numpad 7 = "kp_home"
Numpad 8 = "kp_uparrow"
Numpad 9 = "kp_pgup"
Numpad 0 = "kp_ins"
List of weapons and their binds - "shortcut - Official name"
galil - Galil
ak47 - AK-47
scout - Scout
sg552 - Krieg 552
awp - Magnum Sniper Rifle
g3sg1 - D3/AU1
famas - Famas
m4a1 - M4A1 Carbine
aug - Aug
sg550 - Krieg 550
glock - Glock
usp - USP-S
p228 - 228 Compact
deagle - Deagle
elites - Dual Elites
fn57 - Five-Seven
xm1014 - Leone YG1265 Auto Shotgun
m3 - Leone 12 Gauge Super
mac10 - Ingram MAC-10
tmp - TMP
mp5 - SMG MP5
ump45 - UMP
p90 - p90
m249 - M249
List of equipment and their binds - "shortcut - Official name"
primammo - Primary Ammo
secammo - Secondary Ammo
vest - Kevlar
vesthelm - Kevlar + Helmet
flash - Flashbang
hegren - HE Grenade
sgren - Smoke Grenade
defuser - Defusal Kit- Smoke Grenade
nvgs - Nightvisionade
shield - Tactical Shield
Be Careful!! - Order matters!
bind "leftarrow" "flash; flash; hegren; sgren: defuser" - If I press the left arrow it will buy my equipment in the order from bind:
1 flash -> 1 flash -> 1 grenade -> 1 smoke (not available on the server) -> bomb defuser
If I only have $500, that will buy me 2 flashes ($400) and that's it. But if I change...
bind "leftarrow" "hegren; flash; flash; sgren: defuser" - That will buy me first a grenade, a flash and then the second flash and the rest depending on the money I have available.
Be Careful!! - 2 main weapons on one bind!
bind "F1" "ak47;m4a1" - In this bind, regardless of the team I belong to (T or CT), I will buy the equivalent weapon.
If I am tero, AK 47 will be bought, if I am CT, M4A1 will be bought, pressing the same key (in this case F1).
Bind examples
bind "UPARROW" "defuser"
bind "DOWNARROW" "flash"
bind "LEFTARROW" "hegren"
bind "RIGHTARROW" "sgren"
bind "F1" "ak47;m4a1"
bind "F2" "famas;galil"
bind "F3" "mp5"
bind "F4" "awp;scout"
bind "F5" "deagle"
bind "F6" "usp"
bind "F7" "vest"
bind "F8" "vesthelm"
bind "F10" "disconnect"
bind "END" "stopsound"
bind "key" "buy flashbang"
bind "key" "buy smokegrenade"
bind "key" "buy hegrenade"
bind "key" "buy p250"
bind "key" "buy tec9; buy fiveseven; buy cz75;"
bind "key" "buy deagle"
bind "key" "buy ak47; buy m4a1;"
bind "key" "buy awp"
bind "key" "buy vest; buy vesthelm;"
My weapon and equipment binds (but now I use the VIP menu)
bind "kp_downarrow" "deagle"
bind "kp_pgdn" "mp5"
bind "kp_leftarrow" "m4a1; ak47"
bind "kp_rightarrow" "awp"
bind "kp_5" "famas; galil"
bind "kp_end" "usp"
bind "leftarrow" "flash; flash; hegren; sgren: defuser"
bind "uparrow" "vest; vesthelm"
General settings (for those who have cvar access)
bind "tasta" "amx_cvar sv_maxunlag 1"
bind "tasta" "amx_cvar sv_unlag 1"
bind "tasta" "amx_cvar mp_timelimit 0"
bind "tasta" "amx_cvar mp_autoteambalance 1"
Autor: Haotic
For suggestions, additions, spelling mistakes, changes, detailed explanations, details, etc., send me a private message on the forum, message on STEAM, and I will make the necessary changes. Enjoy.