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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by Vin_de_la_Bere

  1. Nu cred ca jucat cu cod, daca era in una din serile alea ale lui de euforie il cred ca a dat cine stie ce demo. Dupa cum bine stim a fost aici si a ajutat la gasirea metodelor de prindere a celor care joaca cu cod platit, deci nu cred ca dupa toate astea ar fi jucat chiar el cu cod.
  2. Unban-ul tau e discutabil, adminul si-a facut datoria, nu e vina nimanui ca ai tu 7 CS-uri in pc, eu joc steam on si atat, nu inteleg chesti asta cu X nr de CS-uri ca nu imi plac, ce crezi ca are diferit unul de celalalt? Ca nu ai stiut de treaba cu demo ok, aici pot spune ca sunt de acord tinand cont ca este prima oara cand intammpini asta. Ceea ce spune stirile ca pana sa se schimbe mapa ai spus ca nu ai demo iti cam mareste sansele ca ban-ul sa ramana, in opinia adminulul e posibil ca tu sa fi avut ceva de nu ai vrut sa dai demo. Parerea mea esta ca adminul care a dat ban-ul are dreptul la decizia finala .
  3. I hope we don’t have to discuss why I’m against!
  4. Topic will be closed, you have been removed from staff !
  5. Not tolerating the wer, but i have nothiing to do with their war. Ukraine should think long time ago when they accept UK and US military bases on their country, things that bother Putin...long story i don't have to start a discution on this matter.
  6. your country history has nothing to do with our server, here we are a comunity that's gathered too play a game in peace and harmony, you have started the same thing some days ago on ts3 and i was persent, 7sky was talking with lisann as weel, i have started to say i love Putin because he stoped the covid with his crazy war...but the thing is tahat you were the one getting in the discution of 7sky and lisann in the same manner tat 7sky is showing us that you have donet again on the server...from me you have a -1. I repeat I DON'T TOLERATE RACISM !
  7. HOPE IS JUST A JOKE ! If not, look's like racism for me ! Atitude has to be taken regarding the matter ! We don't tolerate racism !
  8. Eu ii dau pro, e ok din câte am văzut, eu i-am făcut vip.
  9. Pro sper sa merite si sa faci treaba alaturi de echipa noastra !
  10. Speram sa nu mai ai reclamatii findca exista un motiv pentru care ai primit downgrade si stii bine care e !
  11. De la mine un contra pana ai sa faci o cerere corespunzatoare !
  12. Nick: Vin_de_la_Bere Grad actual: General De ce dorești up?: Vechime, prezenta in limita timpului disponibil, dar atunci cand sunt aici imi fac datoria...
  13. Posted March 11 Nick jucator: warri IP: Data si ora: 04/04/2023 11:35 Motiv: wall Dovada: am cerut wg si a parasit server
  14. Nick jucator: IP: Steam: Data si ora: Motiv: Dovada: Pentru demo folositi: https://www.zippyshare.com/ https://www.4shared.com/ https://ufile.io/ https://www.mediafire.com/
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