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Everything posted by TYNBV

  1. If i banned you, you not give demo. Put here demo and i unbanned you.
  2. Here is not about me, its about you ! Please wait anothers players
  3. Stop with spam. Let people comment
  4. https://easyupload.io/40kjc1 Silent aim. Have a nice day
  5. Pro
  6. Ok. Unban. Thx
  7. Pro
  8. Why you lie? About 3 days i give you ban for no demo. And you join to the game yestarday and today. And after i banned you, you joined again and play. I understand , you have dinamic ip but where is the respect? Demo its ok but contra unban.
  9. Contra. Tu ai ban de la mine pe server pentru neprezentare demo.
  10. Ok, multumesc paco, iti voi da unban in maxim 1h. Seara buna si spor la joc.
  11. Pro unban
  12. Good luck at the game and happy easter
  13. Elteep you play in every day here. Seriously?
  14. You got already unbanned. I waiting you 10 minutes !
  15. Pro unban, haideti sa il iertam o data.
  16. Hai ca devine amuzant. Primul imi da contra ca am zis de grecia ceva si s-a atacat. Al doilea este tovarasul lui vast_ri. Care nici macar nu este admin. Iar dl Sky fiind tovarasul lui qqs a zis sa schimbe tabara. Foarte obiectivi baietii.
  17. Really? I think you joke. I am everyday on the game and i clean the sv. Stop with this amazing things
  18. Very lucky? 🤦. Posedatul was there. I said you only stop with hunter because he is clean and you understand another thing. My apologize. Have a nice day
  19. And vangstam , who are you? This kid come his friends on this forum to make accounts, omg.
  20. Haha! I think you joke. I said only stop with this subiect because posedatul said to hunter to play, and when i said that you said "or what?" And after you go to my post at put "contra" because i said you to stop with this. Omg. And after i said about greece, its my opinion, i dont said you nothing wrong
  21. 1️⃣Nick CS:TYNBV 2️⃣Vărstă/Age:28 3️⃣De ce doresti upgrade: activitate si implicare.
  22. Carlo, sa fim intelesi. Nu conteaza ora la care iti cer demo, asa ca idee. Cu atat mai mult daca joci de atata timp pe server stii regulile. Ai luat ban deoarece nu ai prezentat demo si pana nu il dai asa vei ramane. Nu poti sa ma acuzi tot pe mine pentru greselile tale. O zi buna
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