Incep prin a va anunta ca aceasta este o comunitate doar cu un singur owner. Nu am timp sa verific fiecare transfer de stats, sa ne asiguram ca nimeni nu primeste teapa sau ca fiecare 'afacere' este facuta corect, regulamentar. Alti oameni capabili sa ne ajute ar fi imposibil sa gasim, avand in vedere ca ei nu vor putea castiga nimic, fiind doar voluntari, plus vor capata multi dusmani cat timp vor incerca sa ajute la tepe, iar aceste lucruri ii vor face sa abandoneze destul de repede.
1. Nu aveti voie sa cumparati sau sa vindeti (de) la alti jucatori urmatoarele lucruri: ADMIN, MODERATOR, GANG, INSULE, ALTE STATISTICI PE FORUM.
2. Adminii nu au voie nici macar sa incerce sa dea o teapa. Daca se dovedeste ca un admin a dat teapa, v-a primii demote.
Cum poti primi teapa:
1. Nu avem cum sa va ajutam daca ati primit teapa de credit pe telefon. Daca alegeti sa cumparati ceva pe rsz, prin a da credit unui jucator, o faceti pe riscul vostru. In cele mai multe cazuri se primeste teapa si noi nu va putem ajuta. Daca aveti credit de cheltuit, folositi shop-ul rsz in care cu siguranta nu veti putea primi teapa.
2. Nu avem cum sa va ajutam daca ati cumparat un cont blocat sau interzis pe server. Verificati inainte de a cumpara un cont.
3. Nu avem cum sa va ajutam daca ati transferat tot contul pe alt cont care nu va apartine.
Cum poti fi ajutat daca ai primit teapa:
1. Cumpara statistici de la alti jucatori folosind coduri care ofera credite in contul client (codul primit dupa trimiterea sms-ului). Daca primesti teapa, contacteaza un owner postat mai jos si cu siguranta iti vei primi creditele inapoi.
2. Cumpara statistici de la alti jucatori folosind shopkey-uri! Intai cel care are shopkey-ul trebuie sa ofere key-ul, apoi daca shopkey-ul a functionat, celalalt trebuie sa ofere statisticile. Daca nu ti-a oferit statisticile dupa ce a folosit shopkey-ul, te pot ajuta. DACA II DAI STATISTICILE INAINTE CA EL SA ITI DEA UN SHOPKEY VALID, SA ITI FIE DE BINE CA NU ITI DAU STATISTICILE INAPOI! DAU DOAR KEY-URI INAPOI, NU SI STATISTICI!
Cum sa eviti tepele:
1. La fiecare schimb de stats foloseste /trade dar ai grija sa citesti cu atentie propunerea primita.
2. Nu spune parola ta nimanui. Nimeni, nici macar un owner, nu iti va cere vreodata parola. Nici daca vrea sa iti dea admin, sa iti scoata banul sau alte lucruri, un owner nu va avea nevoie de parola ta. O putem afla singuri daca avem nevoie de ea.
3. Nu accepta admin pe alte servere, si ai grija cand te inregistrezi pe alt server ca nu cumva parola introdusa pe acel server sa fie aceeasi ca pe rsz. Daca parolele sunt la fel, ai sanse mari sa iti pierzi contul.
4. Daca vrei sa cumperi direct un cont, ai grija ca acel cont sa nu aiba in cont o adresa de email care nu iti apartine.
5. Nu dati atentie ofertelor primite prin email sau altele daca acestea nu sunt scrise si in shop!
6. Nu folosi niciodata un website/program care pretinde ca iti va oferi vip, coins sau orice alt lucru din stats gratis! Aceste siteuri sunt facute doar pentru a fura conturile naivilor.
Owneri la care poti face o reclamatie cu privire la o teapa:
Xarrow - Discord: Xarrow#5228.
Atentie! Reclamatiile se fac doar in cazuri grave cum ar fi tepe de admin, moderator, gang, sau donatii. Nu voi raspunde la reclamatiile cu tepe simple, de care va puteati feri usor.
Tepe in care nimeni nu este raspunzator :
Afaceri cu steam | skin-uri csgo | Paysafecard | PayPal | , mai pe scurt ,tot ceea ce nu tine de server .O faceti pe propria raspundere,vinovatii sunteti voi.
I start by announcing that this is a community with only one owner. I don't have time to check every stats transfer, to make sure no one gets stabbed or that every 'business' is done correctly, regularly. It would be impossible to find other people to help us, since they will not be able to gain anything, they will only be volunteers, plus they will gain many enemies as long as they try to help with the spikes, and these things will make them give up enough, quickly.
1. You are not allowed to buy or sell the following items to other players: ADMIN, MODERATOR, GANG, ISLANDS, OTHER STATISTICS ON THE FORUM.
2. Admins are not even allowed to try to sting. If it turns out that an admin has stabbed you, he will receive you.
How to get a stake:
1. We have no way to help you if you have received a credit card in your phone. If you choose to buy something on rsz, by giving credit to a player, you do so at your own risk. In most cases, the sting is received and we cannot help you. If you have credit to spend, use the rsz shop where you will certainly not be able to receive the spike.
2. We can't help you if you've purchased a blocked or banned account on the server. Check before you buy an account.
3. We cannot help you if you have transferred your entire account to another account that does not belong to you.
How can you be helped if you have received the sting:
1. Buy statistics from other players using codes that provide credits to the customer account (the code received after sending the sms). If you receive the spike, contact an owner posted below and you will definitely get your credit back.
2. Buy stats from other players using shopkeys! First the shopkey has to give the key, then if the shopkey worked, the other one has to give the statistics. If he didn't give you the statistics after using the shopkey, I can help. IF YOU GIVE HIM STATISTICS BEFORE HE GIVES YOU A VALID SHOPKEY, PLEASE DON'T GIVE HIM STATISTICS BACK! I ONLY GIVE KEYS BACK, NO STATISTICS!
How to avoid spikes:
1. At each stats exchange use / trade but be sure to read the proposal carefully.
2. Don't tell your password to anyone. No one, not even an owner, will ever ask you for your password. Even if he wants to give you admin, take out your money or other things, an owner will not need your password. We can find out for ourselves if we need it.
3. It does not accept admin on other servers, and be careful when registering on another server that the password entered on that server will not be the same as on rsz. If the passwords are the same, you have a good chance of losing your account.
4. If you want to buy an account directly, make sure that account does not have an email address that does not belong to you.
5. Do not pay attention to the offers received by email or others if they are not written in the shop!
6. Never use a website / program that claims to give you vip, coins or anything else from free stats! These sites are made just to steal the accounts of the naive.
Owners to whom you can make a complaint about a spike:
Xarrow - Discord: Xarrow#5228.
Careful! Complaints are made only in serious cases such as admin, moderator, gang, or donations. I will not respond to complaints with simple spikes, which you can easily avoid.
Spikes in which no one is responsible:
Steam business csgo skins | Paysafecard | PayPal | , in short, everything that does not belong to the server. You do it at your own risk, you are guilty.