Start demo analyze.....
Demo / Game protocol : 5 / 48
Game : cstrike Map : "maps/de_pglzone.bsp" (CRC "565338412")
Username and steamid : Marshall [STEAM_0:1:456036602]
[INFO] Player changed sky name from "2desert" to "trainyard" at (994,3966):00h:16m:34s:397ms
[WARNING] [JUMPHACK TYPE 2] at (1062,306) 00h:17m:42s:306ms
[PLUGIN] AMXX Plugin not found. Some detects is skipped.
[PLUGIN] Possible false detect one of aimbots: [AIM TYPE 1.6].
Unreal Demo Scanner [ 1.68.12 ] scan result:
Scan completed. Scan time: 0:00:01
Demo playing time: 00:00:17 ~ 00:01:25 seconds.