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About nimzise

  • Birthday 08/22/1993

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  1. 1️⃣Nick CS: nim 🙂 2️⃣Vărstă/Age: 32 3️⃣SteamID: STEAM_0:0:558053390 4️⃣TeamSpeak3: da -> ts.dual-gaming.ro 5️⃣Link gametracker cu nick-ul vostru: https://www.gametracker.com/player/nim %3A)/Official.dual-gaming.ro:27015/
  2. Ahahaha you don't even know how to lie... After you kicked me i came back and started the demo and said dont kick me again and you didnt even talked about double jump abusing, and please tell me what double jump abusing i did on the map de_berzeker ?!!! Secondly, i told you before that you are a new player of this game because again you proving this to me by telling me that you cant go to that place on nuke32 without double jump ahahaha and guess what ? you can go there without double jump but u dont know that because u're not a pro player, new players also know that... watch the minute 4:50 of this video
  3. ★ Numele dumneavoastră: nim : ) ★ Numele adminului: TYNBV ★ Data şi ora la care s-a produs incidentul: 18/07/2023 ★ Motivul plângerii: This Admin is abusing to me many times and i tried to ignore him but he stills using admin cmds on me, he kicked me first time for no reason and i was with score of 46 kills, ADMIN lol was there and saw everything, the proof is bellow when i told him to stop it, and then he kicked me another time and triend again to ignore him !! the 3rd is when i gave him knife and slayed me because i went to that place on nuke32 and ofc all of you know that its allowed to go there ...you will find the demo of nuke32 also bellow. ★ Dovezi (poze/demo): Demo when he kicked me : https://www.sendspace.com/file/q29j5u Demo when he slayed me : https://www.sendspace.com/file/s49f3x
  4. ★ Numele dumneavoastră: nim :) ★ Numele adminului: demos ★ Data şi ora la care s-a produs incidentul: 19:40 01/07/2023 ★ Motivul plângerii: I dont know what is the problem with this admin, he kicked me from the server for no reason and i joinned ts3 server and asked him what does he want and he told me to speak in Romanian language...i told him i am not Romanian but he kept insulting me in RO language and banned me from ts3 server...How old are you demos ? be mature... Mr. D3x, the first time i played on the server, you check me by am_ss and wg scan, and you said that i am welcome to the server and you asked me if i want VIP and i said yes but this admin demos removed my VIP for no reason of course...i quit GOLD server and joinned you after your good welcome and your good behaviour, but i didnt expect kid admins...Thank you so much anyway and i apreciate your kindness. Regards ! ★ Dovezi (poze/demo): https://prnt.sc/1m_n0m4X12H-
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