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u you sexy tralala

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About u you sexy tralala

  • Birthday 06/04/2000

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  1. i just got unbanned dennyss, im an old player who couldn't run his WG program. Play time should be a couple of hours by now. Ngl it's the last time I'm posting, a bit tired of this nonsense. Just wanna kick afk players to keep new guys coming and vote maps like the old days
  2. 1️⃣Nick CS: u you sexy tralala 2️⃣Vărstă/Age: 24 3️⃣SteamID: 76561198112678456 4️⃣TeamSpeak3: da/nu -> ts.dual-gaming.ro YES 5️⃣Link gametracker cu nick-ul vostru: https://www.gametracker.com/player/u you sexy tralala/Official.dual-gaming.ro:27015/
  3. 1️⃣Nick CS: u you sexy tralala 2️⃣Vărstă/Age: 24 3️⃣SteamID: 76561198112678456 4️⃣TeamSpeak3: da/nu -> ts.dual-gaming.ro YES 5️⃣Link gametracker cu nick-ul vostru: https://www.gametracker.com/player/u you sexy tralala/Official.dual-gaming.ro:27015/ Give me kiss kiss
  4. found another code on the internet here is the link of scanned wg https://www.wargods.ro/wcd/report.php?id=2958929
  5. deleted and installed again but the same error. A couple of years ago I got the program and passed all the scans Ban Information Name: u you sexy tralala IP: STEAM_0:0:76206364 Reason: 0 Unban Time: Permanent Ban Admin Name: Zsm Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:0:618733713
  6. 1️⃣Nick CS: u you sexy tralala 2️⃣Vărstă/Age: 24 3️⃣SteamID: 76561198112678456 4️⃣TeamSpeak3: da/nu -> ts.dual-gaming.ro YES 5️⃣Link gametracker cu nick-ul vostru: https://www.gametracker.com/player/u you sexy tralala/Official.dual-gaming.ro:27015/ Give me kiss kiss
  7. Apologies guys for tagging you. The reason for tags was you either from that server or you have also commented on other similar "unban" posts recently. But the idea is not me being banned, but the crooked system you use
  8. @7skyfrod[a] I will give you another, it's not the problem. But it's silly to think that I would let myself use any program while being asked to record a demo for over an hour. As well as it would also be silly to use hacks while 2 admins asked to watch my live stream. I have little to no knowledge of computing. Even YouTube tutorials give me headaches. Not talking about overdoing some sort of system on my own to bypass anti-cheats. In the demo, as always I just played my regular fast-paced game and scored top as usual. If you asked me it would be strange that after being asked for the demo I would bottom frag. It happens, yes, but that would be actually suspicious
  9. Eliminating your most loyal players Hi boys and girls. How are you feeling this Monday? 🙂 I write this post with disgust for the server admins living lives in the game trying to prove themselves. You give WG and SS checks to a lot of new players with little to no information on how to prove themselves not guilty, and 3-5 minutes for the job they have never done before. Spamming their name in the chat while they trying to figure out what kind of photos you're talking about and trying to locate them off-game. For more serious players you initiate SS checks daily and WG a couple times a day. If he's better than me, the Hierarchy Admin, it means he's a cheater, because there is no way he can kill me twice. The server itself was designed to give Vips and ranks above unlimited ammo for every kill they make. For you, it's strange how I kill so many, here is your answer. My playstyle is aggressive close-fight combat trying to catch players off guard. Lined-up players and unlimited ammo only improve my score. I have a terrible aim for mid to far ranges, so I have adapted the style to every game from 1.6 to csgo, warzone, pubg, and every other shooter game. Needless to say, it's very pitiful of you to trash my name by giving Ban immediately after some home-created program showed "might be cheating". No investigation, just a Ban. In the middle of the game in front of the full lobby. I feel terribly sorry for all the inside men you have also recently banned for the same "might". All your high admins, all the new players who've come in for an hour of enjoyment. Most of all you should all apologize to Aega, who entrusted me firstly with VIP, after I was wrongfully banned in June(complimentary/apologetic VIP). And entrusted me with the admin rights the previous week. Thank you man for everything 🙂 (All the info provided happened in a span of a week). As some of you know I got banned on 2023/09/18 for supposedly cheating because of my provided demo. (link below) https://dropmefiles.com/FdcKr I was asked for 15 minutes of the demo but provided a total of 4 matches. The demo starts at the end of the first match and ends in the middle of the fourth match. The outside system checked the match (22min; 37s in total) and decided "possible false detect one of the aimbots". https://imgur.com/a/MEoAjxz To begin the topic I have nothing to hide and provided as much of my gameplay as possible (the program ran demo wasn't with my full gameplay). I was twice asked by server admins to stream my gameplay through Steam. so I did that no questions asked. Other people watching my game through my monitor had no effect on my score. https://imgur.com/a/YiBA3FX My SS was checked twice https://imgur.com/a/DfXiyIC And WG was initiated a few more times https://www.wargods.ro/wcd/report.php?id=2727021 With all the checks mentioned, I was still playing with the same game style and managed to withhold a good top score. I also have to link my previous ban by Omega as well, you can access more SS photos there (from June). https://dual-gaming.ro/forum/index.php?/topic/4068-unreasonable-ban-by-omega/#comment-26753 To end the topic it's indeed a wonderful server with lots of cool people. But I really hope you stop destroying the server from the inside. Trusting some off-market anti-cheat program as a Holy. Banning every single person for not giving WG in 3 minutes' time. You can't even sleep day or night trying to catch your own close people "cheating". If you have the full server and think it's cool to slam all newcomers - just redirect people to other of your own servers ( as I remember it was widely used in 2012 when I played CS in my childhood). You will at least expand your member's circle and sleep better at night. All that said I want all admins and other members to comment after this post with your own opinion and insights. I will not budge an eye if I do not get unbanned. I know my truth and I'm thankful to all the cool people I have met along the way. Ban Information Name: u you sexy tralala SteamID: STEAM_0:0:76206364 Reason: aim Unban Time: Permanent Ban Admin Name: M.y.K.y Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:0:517936076
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