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Beanco Andrei

Server Manager
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Everything posted by Beanco Andrei

  1. I dont see on server..
  2. admins ban you..but you rejoin all time whit another ip....admins appelate on me for ban you!! for unban upload last demo on server!
  3. Chiar daca incalc regulamentul ca iti scot banul,eu ți-l scot.aveai 24h sa prezinți demo si pozele..dar pnt ca ție nu iti apăreau și a fost complicat meriti unban.succes pe mai departe
  4. You opinion is 0 .7sky. Monti probabil va primi vip.
  5. Părerea mea este ca umbro merita minus.
  6. You have a virus on you pc...and wg give you injector..my opinion you clean.
  7. aici ar trebui sa lasa coment cine se uita la demo nu doar asa de numa ochi frumosi..daca @abcc te uiti la demo ai vedea ca are wall !!plus ca la demo scaner a iesit cod! have a nice day! [INFO] The player did not fire shots in this demo file! pe cand el a facut 20 kill in 2 runde!!
  8. Mai trebe oleaca de vechime.
  9. Omg..eu nu vad rostul reclamației aici..adica 2 se cearta si unu se trezeste sa faca reclamatie pnt altcineva.daca ai ceva @skrpt personal cu @coolbear rezolvați In privat.
  10. for unban we need the demo.upload demo!have a nice day!
  11. Cant respond you becc i cheked some hakers for ss
  12. Maybe you have a bad day.i forgive you alex.
  13. We know who changing map..we dont give you answers.you come Last 10 min on server.stop to be grinch and be santa close.
  14. 2 detinators online no tast or flames and you qqs latri incontiniu
  15. Yo8 have problem dude. Server go vote for some mentenanță to Change and you blame blamează me for mapchanging .look at you language whit a detinator..
  16. You have problem or wtf?i dont know what you say abaut climbing on map? You must yo be a good player no a abuzive player,i ban you bec you inpatient Whit a admin.
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