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MixSyira last won the day on August 20 2024

MixSyira had the most liked content!

About MixSyira

  • Birthday 10/25/2000

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  • MixSyira

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  1. Actual Name on Forum: Dark Demon New name you want: MixSyira Reason for the name change: i want to back to my first nick i use here 😄 Link from the last request, if any: note: if can make name color red please 😄
  2. Follow the model ========================================= - MODEL CERERE VIP - ========================================= Creati un topic nou cu titlul de forma Cerere VIP Nume Nick: Varsta: STEAM ID: Dovada de plata: (poze de ecran/poza cu telefonul/mail/mesaj privat catre @Carmen., @Donn97 sau @Haotic STEAM: On/Off Ai citit Regulamentul?: ========================================= - REQUEST VIP EXAMPLE - ========================================= Create a new topic with title called Request VIP Nick Nick: Age: STEAM ID: Payment proof: (screenshots/photos taken with mobile phone/email/private message to @Carmen., @Donn97 or @Haotic STEAM: On/Off Did you read the Rules?:
  3. You have voted successfully! To continue to the site or server you voted for: Alba.dual-gaming.ro Note: Duplicate votes are not taken into account and do not generate in-game rewards. You have successfully voted for ALBA.DUAL-GAMING.RO [ REVIVE + VIP ] Your vote for ALBA.DUAL-GAMING.RO [ REVIVE + VIP ] has been successfully registered. Thank you!
  4. Your vote for AIM.DUAL-GAMING.RO [CLASSIC SERVER + VIP] has been successfully registered. Thank you! Ai votat cu succes! Pentru a continua spre pagina serverului sau jocului: Aim.dual-gaming.ro Note: Duplicate votes are not taken into account and do not generate in-game rewards.
  5. I Love This ❤️😄 Sv is full ❤️
  6. Your vote for ALBA.DUAL-GAMING.RO [ REVIVE + VIP ] has been successfully registered. Thank you! You have successfully voted for ALBA.DUAL-GAMING.RO [ REVIVE + VIP ]
  7. You have voted successfully! To continue to the site or server you voted for: Alba.dual-gaming.ro Note: Duplicate votes are not taken into account and do not generate in-game rewards.
  8. Welcome 😄
  9. Ai votat cu succes! Pentru a continua spre pagina serverului sau jocului: Aim.dual-gaming.ro Note: Duplicate votes are not taken into account and do not generate in-game rewards. Vote
  10. write the full steam id 😄
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