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Everything posted by MixSyira

  1. Actual Name on Forum: Dark Demon New name you want: MixSyira Reason for the name change: i want to back to my first nick i use here 😄 Link from the last request, if any: note: if can make name color red please 😄
  2. Follow the model ========================================= - MODEL CERERE VIP - ========================================= Creati un topic nou cu titlul de forma Cerere VIP Nume Nick: Varsta: STEAM ID: Dovada de plata: (poze de ecran/poza cu telefonul/mail/mesaj privat catre @Carmen., @Donn97 sau @Haotic STEAM: On/Off Ai citit Regulamentul?: ========================================= - REQUEST VIP EXAMPLE - ========================================= Create a new topic with title called Request VIP Nick Nick: Age: STEAM ID: Payment proof: (screenshots/photos taken with mobile phone/email/private message to @Carmen., @Donn97 or @Haotic STEAM: On/Off Did you read the Rules?:
  3. You have voted successfully! To continue to the site or server you voted for: Alba.dual-gaming.ro Note: Duplicate votes are not taken into account and do not generate in-game rewards. You have successfully voted for ALBA.DUAL-GAMING.RO [ REVIVE + VIP ] Your vote for ALBA.DUAL-GAMING.RO [ REVIVE + VIP ] has been successfully registered. Thank you!
  4. Your vote for AIM.DUAL-GAMING.RO [CLASSIC SERVER + VIP] has been successfully registered. Thank you! Ai votat cu succes! Pentru a continua spre pagina serverului sau jocului: Aim.dual-gaming.ro Note: Duplicate votes are not taken into account and do not generate in-game rewards.
  5. I Love This ❤️😄 Sv is full ❤️
  6. Your vote for ALBA.DUAL-GAMING.RO [ REVIVE + VIP ] has been successfully registered. Thank you! You have successfully voted for ALBA.DUAL-GAMING.RO [ REVIVE + VIP ]
  7. You have voted successfully! To continue to the site or server you voted for: Alba.dual-gaming.ro Note: Duplicate votes are not taken into account and do not generate in-game rewards.
  8. Welcome 😄
  9. Ai votat cu succes! Pentru a continua spre pagina serverului sau jocului: Aim.dual-gaming.ro Note: Duplicate votes are not taken into account and do not generate in-game rewards. Vote
  10. write the full steam id 😄
  11. Old nickname:|AdMiRaL| DA^RK|DE^MON The new nickname:DA^RK|DE^MON Reason: i will delete that clan so no admiral now 🙂 Previous application: Yes (post link) / No yes
  12. You have successfully voted for ALBA.DUAL-GAMING.RO [ REVIVE + VIP ] RETURN TO WEBSITE
  13. No free vip from now thats owners decision We have made changes for the VIP Gold rank. From now on it will be with payment. We made this decision together with all the Owners to help the server more. All the money collected from VIPs will go to Boosts, maintenance, host, etc. Below you can find the payment methods and the model for the VIP Gold request. The prices will be: 3 euro monthly - 17 euro Permanent - With mandatory presence on TeamSpeak3 5 euro monthly- 30 euro Permanent - Without your presence on TeamSpeak3 - PAYMENT METHODS - Paypal: soon! Revolut: @carmendg > dgcarmen12@gmail.com Bank transfer LEI: IBAN: RO33 BREL 0005 5216 3222 0100 Bank transfer EURO: IBAN: LT78 3250 0141 7584 7064 Bank transfer POUNDS: Bank code: 04-00-75 / Account: 91808340 Create a new topic with title called Request VIP Nick Nick: Age: STEAM ID: Payment proof: (screenshots/photos taken with mobile phone/email/private message to @Carmen. or @SPECTRAL) STEAM: On/Off Did you read the Rules?:
  14. Welcome 😄
  15. Who the noob now 😛 @Ne0 @Walking Natural Disaster de_dust20084.bmp
  16. Votat You have successfully voted for Alba.Dual-Gaming.Ro [CAUTAM ADMINI]
  17. Make new wg in the server "Aim" "" if you have steam press Here to join And Read the rules from the links thats in walking reply
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