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Everything posted by MixSyira

  1. @metzzzyyyy @Walking Natural Disaster @Voidshade
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  2. The rules are easy and simple You must respect players or other people in the entire forum, not just the clan Try to create some kind of understanding between others If someone wants to help, try to help him or inform one of the admins
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  3. Here members can submit their suggestions Let's get better and better Your Title Must be like [suggestion]
  4. It has been created in 2023/6/11 By @Dark Demon @Weeknd With help by @SPECTRAL
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  5. 1. Your Name : 2. Age : 3. Your Nick : 4. why you want to join The clan :
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  6. Actual Name on Forum: MixSyira New name you want: Dark Demon Reason for the name change: Bored of the old Link from the last request, if any:No
  7. Old nickname:|Mix|Syira| The new nickname:D!A^R~K|D!E1M&ON [Aim] Reason:Im bored of the old Previous application: Yes (post link) / No No
  8. ================================================================================================================================================================ Well, I'm not trying to justify anything, I'm just clarifying when asking for work. Some officials give ten minutes, others only five minutes. Of course, the Admin doesn't know if you speak English or not, so when you were late, he gave you a ban. . The problem will be resolved as quickly as you require now. Can you please post the message you get when you try to join the server that you will find in the console And the team as my manager says if you have or create a new one in any server [ Haotic] We will try to help you 😄 I am very sorry for this problem Thank you very much =========================================================== google translate ===================================================================================   No nesnažím se nic zdůvodňovat, jen upřesňuji při dotazu na práci. Někteří úředníci dávají deset minut, jiní jen pět minut. Admin samozřejmě neví, jestli mluvíte anglicky nebo ne, takže když jste se opozdili, dal vám ban. . Problém bude vyřešen tak rychle, jak nyní potřebujete. Můžete prosím poslat zprávu, kterou dostanete, když se pokusíte připojit k serveru, který najdete v konzoli A tým, jak říká můj manažer, pokud máte nebo vytvoříte nový na jakémkoli serveru [ Haotické] Pokusíme se vám pomoci 😄 Za tento problém se velmi omlouvám Děkuji mnohokrát ================================================================================================================================================================  
  9. Vote/Votat You have successfully voted for Alba.Dual-Gaming.Ro [CAUTAM ADMINI]
  10. Congratulations to us and to you on this achievement
  11. The Rules The rules are important and must be read. The admin can know if you have read them or not https://dual-gaming.ro/forum/index.php?/topic/4612-albadual-gamingro-intern-rules-eng/&do=getNewComment The Model You must follow the model, otherwise the application will be rejected https://dual-gaming.ro/forum/index.php?/topic/4016-model-cerere-admin/&do=getNewComment Apply Here [ ALBA ] Aplicare Admin / Slot - DUAL GAMING - ROMÂNIA (dual-gaming.ro) Thank You 😄
  12. You have successfully voted for Alba.Dual-Gaming.Ro [CAUTAM ADMINI] RETURN TO WEBSITE
  13. hahaha You save evey kill XD
  14. Vote/Votat You have successfully voted for Alba.Dual-Gaming.Ro [CAUTAM ADMINI]
  15. Thx for your note but this cmd work with me and help me its maybe not work with you idk but you say the numbers if you have thing best than this you can tell us and correct the wrong but to now i see this cmd useful and help you can try if you have something else you can share your knowledge with other players you can start topic and write what you want thank you verymuch for this note
  16. There is no need to tag everyone. The admin will see the problem and fix it as soon as possible
  17. Thank you very much 😄
  18. Thank you for your understanding. And I hope so too
  19. >>Nick:|Mix|Syira| >>Nick-ul admin-ului reclamat: n1kch01 >>Data si ora:There is no specific time >>Motivul:Behavior problem >>Dovezi:Imgur: The magic of the Internet >>O scurta descriere: Hello, I have been playing on the Alba server for a while and I noticed some things, including that this admin uses some words that an admin in his position should not say. I think that the admin should be an example to the players by playing cleanly and with his words... And there is another thing that when a player uses some Insults towards the server or towards another player are not given a gag/ban. I think there is some laziness, and I do not mean professional admins, they have my respect. I mean those who are negligent in their work. I am just clarifying a problem, and this admin has no problem between me and him. I just wanted him to know that there is a problem. Thank you very much
  20. BANNED Informatii despre Ban Nume: AdoNN SteamID: STEAM_0:4:1721392310 Motiv: noss/drop Timp de Unban: Ban Perma ============================ Informatii despre Ban Nume: AdoNN IP: Motiv: noss/drop Durata Ban: 145 days, 20 hours Timp de Unban: 15:36:57 1/2 =========================== ☆[AIM] CERERI UNBAN - DUAL GAMING - ROMÂNIA (dual-gaming.ro) Unban from the link
  21. English How to join us in Teamspeak Server Ts3 download Link :https://www.teamspeak.com/en/downloads/ 1:Download the latest TeamSpeak 3 Client from Downloads page and install. 2:Launch the TeamSpeak 3 Client, hit the Connections menu and click Connect. 3:Enter your server address, choose a nickname Our Server Address :TS.DUAL-GAMING.RO Follow the steps 😄 ========================================================================= Română Cum să ni se alăture în Teamspeak Server Link de descărcare Ts3: https://www.teamspeak.com/en/downloads/ 1:Descărcați cel mai recent client TeamSpeak 3 de pe pagina Descărcări și instalați. 2: Lansați clientul TeamSpeak 3, accesați meniul Conexiuni și faceți clic pe Conectare. 3: Introduceți adresa serverului dvs., alegeți o poreclă Adresa serverului nostru :TS.DUAL-GAMING.RO Urmareste pasii 😄
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