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7sky last won the day on November 9 2024

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About 7sky

  • Birthday 09/01/1991

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  1. Model Reclamatie Admin Numele dumneavoastră: Numele adminului: Data şi ora la care s-a produs incidentul: Motivul plângerii: Dovezi(poze/demo): https://imgur.com/ https://easyupload.io/ Model Reclamatie Player Numele dumneavoastră: Numele player-ului: IP/STEAMID-ul reclamatului: Data şi ora la care s-a produs incidentul: Motivul plângerii: Dovezi(poze/demo): https://imgur.com/ https://easyupload.io/
  2. REGULI OFFICIAL MIX-AREA 1. Cererea de wargods se face doar prin admin (daca doriti sa cereti wargods unui player, cererea se face prin u@ scrieti wargods si numele jucatorului)Atentie ! Testul WARGODS se porneste cand a fost cerut ( in timpul meciului) iar link-ul se poate da la final !BAN pe Wargods = BAN pe servereRETRY fara repornire DEMO = BAN PERMANENTNU SUNT PERMISE MODELE ( SKIN-uri ) pe arme , caractere sau textura !NU SUNT PERMISE MAI MULT DE 32 dll-uri (CS-ul de pe steam default vine cu 32 dll) . 2. In aceasta comunitate nu se accepta un limbaj neadectvat rugam sa fie respect intre toti jucatorii (cei ce adreseaza injuraturi pentru prima abatere va fi atentionat cu un advertisement, iar la cea dea doua abatere BAN PERMANENT) 3. Orice player este binevenit sa joace alaturi de noi indiferent de performanta lui, indiferent ca este jucator slab sau cum doriti sa ii spuneti (nu acceptam sa fie luati la misto, sau jigniti) 4. Neprezentarea wargods-ului, demo-ului, sau a verificarii se va pedepsi cu BAN PERMANENT 5. Nu aveti voie sa jucati cu scut, prima abatere este atentionat cu advertisement, iar cea dea doua abatete BAN PERMANENT 6. Nu aveti voie sa da-ti drop de la mix, fara a baga un om in locul vostru cand iesiti anuntati cine intra in locul vostru, nu iesiti pana nu intra in locul vostru (drop-ul se pedespeste cu ban pentru 24 de ore) 7. Toti playerii sunt rugati sa aiba acelasi nume pe server cat si pe teamspeak. Daca aceasta conditie nu este indeplinita , jucatorul va fi avertizat de catre un admin sa schimbe numele . (daca acesta nu il va schimba , poate fi scos din meci). 8. In cadrul mix.dual-gaming.ro se vor juca doar hartiile (de_dust2 , de_inferno , de_tuscan, de_mirage, de_nuke , de_train) 9. Daca credeti ca o persoana din STAFF face ABUZ DE GRAD , va recomandam sa mergeti la sectiunea RECLAMATII si sa deschideti un topic in care sa spuneti cele intamplate , insotite de dovezi ! 10. UNBAN se poate acorda numai in baza unei cereri pe forum , dupa ce va fi analizata de catre STAFF . REGULAMENT STAFF 1. Mapa o sa se schimbe in functie de preferinte, ori se va respecta ordinea hartilor: de_dust2 / de_inferno / de_tuscan / de_mirage / de_train / de_nuke etc. 2. NU AVETI VOIE SA ADMINATI CU ALT NICKNAME DECAT CEL PE CARE A FOST ACORDAT GRADUL ! 3. Pentru alegerea coechipierilor , se va efectua o runda de lame , iar castigatorul va alege primul ! La alegerea echipelor , intotdeauna au prioritate in a fi alesi , cei ce nu au jucat in meciul anterior ! Doar dupa ce au fost alesi cei ce nu au jucat , vor fi alesi ceilalti jucatori ! 4. DUPA ALEGEREA ECHIPELOR (5V5) , mixul se va porni cu comanda /knife . Se va juca o runda de lame 5v5 ! Echipa castigatoare a rundei de lame , va primi automat dreptul de vot din partea serverului , pentru a-si alege echipa ( T sau CT ) in care vor incepe meciul . Jucatorii vor fi mutati automat in echipa in care au votat , iar MIX-ul va porni automat odata cu demo ! 5. Atunci cand un jucator intra aiurea la echipe in timpul unui meci in desfasurare, in prima instanta se va da kick . Daca intra iar , ADMINUL il va sanctiona cu BAN 30 minute cu motivul mix.on ! 6. Comenzile intre admini sunt INTERZISE . 7. BANURILE PERMANENTE VOR FI ACORDATE DOAR PE BAZA DOVEZILOR INCRIMINATORII ADUSE DE ADMINI . 8. Banurile acordate pe motiv de COD fără dovezi vor duce la acordarea unui WARN . 9. DACA UN JUCATOR ESTE GASIT CU COD , ACESTA VA PRIMI BAN DOAR PE SERVERELE DE MIX ( NU SI PE TS ) . 10. UNBAN se poate acorda numai in urma unei cereri pe forum , dupa ce va fi analizata de catre STAFF .
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  3. Nick: Vârstă: SteamID: Steam(Profile): De ce vrei sa devii administrator? Ai citit regulamentul? Titlul topicului trebuie să fie : [Official Mix-Area] Cerere Admin "Nick"
  4. Trebuie să furnizați dovezi (demo, wargods) Depune o cerere în conformitate cu modelul. Titlul titlului trebuie să conțină următoarele [Official Mix-Area] Unban „Nick” Site pentru demonstrație https://easyupload.io/ Dacă unul dintre puncte nu este îndeplinit, cererea va fi închisă. Nick: IP: SteamID: Adminul care te-a banat: Dovada:
  5. Hello, during the 1st scan, you blocked access to the computer and exited the scan. For which he was banned on two mix servers OFFICIAL and GOLD. <01:34:00> "Robotzel": aquarius doesnt answer anymore <01:34:18> "7sky": i dont undestand <01:34:25> "7sky": explain? <01:34:27> "Robotzel": ban aquarius <01:34:32> "7sky": his <01:34:34> "7sky": cheating? <01:34:42> "Robotzel": he didnt want verification <01:34:54> "Robotzel": and after he said he will clean work from his pc <01:34:58> "Robotzel": and now doesnt answer <01:35:25> "7sky": lol <01:35:29> "7sky": ok <01:35:33> "7sky": i ban him from official <01:36:00> "Robotzel": i banned him from gold aswell <01:36:02> "Robotzel": STEAM_0:1:807199606 <01:36:32> "7sky": ip ? <01:36:43> "7sky": you know him ip? <01:36:47> "Robotzel": <01:36:51> "7sky": ok thx <01:37:21> "Robotzel": np I'm a kind person, I lifted your ban, for which I have already regretted it a thousand times. https://www.wargods.ro/wcd/report.php?id=2719415 Akara. Ban Information Name: Akara IP: Reason: wall.demo Unban Time: Permanent Ban Secondly, some time ago I banned a person under the nickname Akara on Official Public. I followed him for ~ 1 month. and I found evidence that I sent to all Off admins. and it was decided to ban with the Wallhack mark. A few days later, a person logged in under the name Mystic, who, in the manner of the game, played exactly the same as Akara, I turned to aega and the rest of the admins for help to check the logs. because the IP was identical, he used a dynamic ip. and they told me that this is the same person Mystic, Akara. https://www.wargods.ro/wcd/report.php?id=2733193 Mystic. Aquarius which has a similar IP as Akara, Mystic which I banned. Everyone's country is Egypt. and IP 156.207... I don't believe in coincidence. I told this to many admins, and many agreed with me. Therefore, the decision was made to ban. https://www.wargods.ro/wcd/report.php?id=2919675 Aquarius IP Aquarius, who has the same IP as Akara, Mystic, who I banned. Everyone's country is Egypt. and IP 156.207... I don’t believe in coincidences. I told many admins about this, and many agreed with me. Therefore, the decision was made to ban it. You can see the IP on the wg stories that I gave. How many people with this IP play on DualGaming? from the country of Egypt. there are none. not a single one....
  6. =)))) It's normal for an admin like Monty, I still don't understand why he has rights. This "admin" banned 2 people in a few days for no reason. When you kill him, he does it. Get used to it, guys :)))))
  7. It's not nice to swear on the server=) We're all adults, you can communicate calmly there are also admins who insult other players, but they won't get into trouble for it. I don't know if your complaint is useful)
  8. did he upload a demo, or is your vision -100?
  9. Hi, It's a pity that this happened to you 😃 Very professional work by the admin :))))))
  10. The ban will remain, and if someone removes it, I will ban you myself. Next time you'll think about what to say. Learn to respect admins and not write bad words.
  11. Hello everyone, I remind you that everyone who kills Stirile or plays better is 100% cheat. wallhack aim and so on. it has always been this way, and it will be so, it is not surprising that normal players are constantly banned, and then the ban is not lifted. I looked at the demo, but I didn't see wallhacka regarding DemoScanner. then I checked it too, and what did it show Stirilie? pay attention to the word PLAGIN that is written there. Let me remind you that the presence of AIM is indicated in blue, and there will be many, many lines indicating the exact time!!!!How much time has already passed, it’s time to learn how to use DemoCheckerom. have a nice day 😄
  12. You are so worried because I have a desire to help the server.The administration does not give me any privileges, so your position is not entirely clear to me. I want to be useful to the server. I thought all admins decide, but if you decide everything on this server alone, and you own the server. no problem, close the topic. that's all.. @Demos
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