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qqs last won the day on April 6 2024

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About qqs

  • Birthday 09/23/1994

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  1. anyway i understand what he will not be punished its ok i knew that:) the only think i wanna say when aega and domeni was Detinator's was way better in server 🙂 he is lucky aega and domeni are not here end the theme here bb
  2. ok but he gived me ban, i asked who changed the map 4-5 times he can answer to me like "qqs we try something that's why we change map" and no problem, no talk to me agressive and trolling me and give me ban infront of all player's he brake the rules 2 time's he must have -3!!
  3. this is so funny guys really funny im admin im online every day in server i do the job on server as every admin in server but when i ask who did the vote cause it was wrong no one need to explain to me yeah? and brake the rules twice from Detinator who knows the rules who create the rules its ok? ok what can i say cuase from your words im nothing, and i deserve the ban ok Demos have a nice day guys
  4. im waiting for other admin/detinator's to respons
  5. say what? u forgive me? for that? the rules are rules its -3 for u! i dont know why u forgive me really its very funny
  6. hahahahaha Stirileeee wakeeee up i was like 1-2 hour's online in game the person who come at last 10 minutes was u, im every day online in game on ts3 on forum 24/7 what u mean "we" dont give u answer's" u are better then me? or im not admin like u? Stirile what are u talking about?
  7. even Zsm who is detinator asked why some one changed the map what are u talking about here?
  8. latri incontiniu im not a dog u still talk bad with me
  9. the vote was at 20 kill's score the map was full 30 player's it was not 20-21 player's i asked who did the vote and u trolling me and talk aggresive to me like "u have a problem or what? "maybe"
  10. FIRST a few day's ago he asked me SS and posdetul was there he saw this.. !!!!!!!![STAF-ONLY] If you suspect an admin, make a demo of them and report to the OWNERS! Do not request demos or screensh !!!!!!!!!! SECOND Ban Information Name: qqs IP: Reason: calmdawn! Ban Length: 5 minutes Unban Time: 14:20:45 8/4/2024 Admin Name: StirileProTV Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:0:30302733 ************************************************ Kicked by Console: "You are banned from this server. Check your console" Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console" Completed demo !!!!!!![STAF-ONLY] Do not execute commands on other admins! Sanction: -3, REMOVE !!!!!!!! so he brake 2 rules of our server for the first rule idk how much - sanction for the second rule he brake is -3
  11. yes, that's why i say this is not the first time this guy have problem with ppl about how he talk to other ppl, he must be removed from vip's team that's 100% and if he dont understand ban him from server, talk about other mother's and etc, if i was at this moment and i was admin i would ban him!
  12. hi all guys :)) this not the first time ppl have problem with this guy.. remove him from vip team and if he continue kick him from server for ever..
  13. q
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