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About whA

  • Birthday 07/25/1995

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  1. whA


    I was banned and i didn't notice it, now I'm fine. But can i play for 10 minutes straight without harrasment? everyone reports me, even when I send WG i still get shit on and eventually get banned.
  2. whA


    >>Nick: whA >>Nick of the complained admin: Aghiuta >>Date and time: 10.10.2023 around 09:10-09:14 >>Reason: abusing power >>Evidence: >>A short description: 40 minutes ago I was on the server, this "super-moderator" or whatever asked me for wg, i did it and he let me play. this is the 5th time I have been asked for a wg test, no one previously said anything about it, they just let me play. But now, this guy got the wg, let me play for 5 minutes and sent me to spectator mode again. He said something along the lines of "you have too many cfg lines, max is 240 but you have 52.900" or something like that. I have amx mod x installed for hns training for single player, i literally have no idea if that has any affect on the matter. You want pictures? i have sent them. You want wg? I have sent it and will continue to send it since i have been asked everyday. But abuse of power like this is not cool.
  3. https://imgur.com/a/uRfKVIz
  4. I was in top 2 and been playing for a month and all of a sudden i am now banned. literally got banned 5 minutes ago with no reason at all.
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