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About Stefinkunii

  • Birthday 08/25/2000

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  1. Thanks for helping out finn. Here are my details Name: Stefinkunii Steam id: STEAM_0:4:383543759 But I want administration to take immediate and strict action against VASY to reclaim his adminship or Suspend/Demote him, if senior staff make this kind of ban just because player kill them, the server will suffer because of it. Kindly look into this @FINN @DoDy @eNdless
  2. Ok i cant believe you came up with such a stupid reason, sorry but what you were doing was obvious since you were repeating the same tactic from the previous round of camping up on the box so all i did was peek at the box to check and boom i got you bruhhh. And What can i say i am telling the truth my father did called me so I had to quit the game to go listen to him. And im willing to give you a demo tomorrow because i have to go sleep now. Wg test, imgur whatever you want.And from the looks of it you really don't have any proof to ban me which means you banned me without any solid reason.@DoDy @eNdless @FINN
  3. Ok so first of all admin "Vasy" banned me without any proof I just killed him randomly and quit ma game because my father called me when I came back I saw that I was banned permanently which makes no sense. He's an admin he should go through proper procedure before banning anybody. Being an admin doesn't mean he can go ban anybody without asking a demo. I'm a regular player and all admins have played alongside me and I had also given SS to other admins when asked, but he didn't even care to ask for proof. If there is any evidence that led to my ban show me that evidence to justify my ban. @eNdless @DoDy
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