✮ Nickname : wtf
✮ The admin who banned you :n1kch0
✮ Your IP :
✮ STEAMID ( status in console ) :STEAM_0:1:799101228
✮ The proof ( print from console ) :
Informacje o banie
Nick: wtf
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:799101228
Powod: wh
Czas do unbana: Ban Permanent
Nick admina: n1kch0
Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:1:797514380
Jezeli myslisz, ze zostales zbanowany nieslusznie, odwiedz nasza strone:
www.dual-gaming.ro/forum sectiunea ALBA
✮ Other specifications : i have no idea why admin banned me im not wallhacking or anything bruh