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About Yoo

  • Birthday 04/26/2002

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  1. HI my ign is Yoo. I play daily on this server but I when I join the server in morning to play its always dust 2 and there would be no admin to change the map. I request to get some powers so that I can change map or make an admin. Also, I promise you that I would not abuse my powers. IGN-Yoo
  2. https://filetransfer.io/data-package/1Zi3zpVb#link He told me to send this and afterwards he banned me
  3. Nick : Yoo Steam Id : STEAM_1:1:701910678 Admin : StirileProTV Reason : nossnodemo Unban Time : Ban Permanent Date : 10/5/2024 Time : 11:00 pm Hi I wrote the name of the admin and date as you said please check once again, because I really don't use cheats. This is the photo link which I sent him https://filetransfer.io/data-package/1Zi3zpVb#link
  4. Nick : Yoo Steam Id : STEAM_1:1:701910678 Admin : StirileProTV Reason : nossnodemo Unban Time : Ban Permanent Date : 10/5/2024 Time : 11:00 pm Hi I wrote the name of the admin and date as you said please check once again, because I really don't use cheats.
  5. Hey i was unbanned day before yesterday as I was not cheating but today while I was playing I got banned again for no reason I was just playing normally. Please I just want to enjoy and play on the server not get banned. I never cheat you can check me again and see because I love you play on this server I never want to get banned on my favorite server.
  6. So am I still banned or not?
  7. Hey today I was playing and the admin told me to send some photos from a link. When he saw it he permanently banned me from the server for cheating. But i dont use any cheats they banned me for no reason. Please i am telling the truth I don't use cheats if you was you can check again
  8. 1] Nick: Yoo 2] Age: 19 3] Steam Id: nomercy_avi 4] TeamSpeak Id: Yoo_2506 Hey, I am Yoo I love playing in your server. When I first joined your server, I was a noob and still a noob but the experience I got was amazing. Really this server is great, and I would love to get VIP because I also want to do double jump and getting VIP is just a wish I have. So please read my forum and if you like it, please give me VIP
  9. Yoo


    Hey. I am Yoo I play a lot on your server and I love your server. I am filling this form because I need VIP. Please just read this and give me free VIP.
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