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About Betaa

  • Birthday 06/07/1999

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  1. 1️⃣Nick CS:BETAAAAAAAAAA 2️⃣Vărstă/Age:21 3️⃣SteamID: STEAM_0:0:3386849 4️⃣TeamSpeak3: da/nu -> da 5️⃣Link gametracker cu nick-ul vostru:https://www.gametracker.com/player/BETAAAAAAAAAA/Official.dual-gaming.ro:27015/
  2. Well thanks for replying now , I'm gonna answer for for your reason . @PoSeDaTuL 1- I posted the evidences right after that and I think it's all clean, so what would I get by quiting the game running and not posting ,nothing right? 2- i already posted a topic 1 month ago exactly in "06-08-2024 'the day I got the ban'" , but I get no response on it , please check on forum . Thanks, I hope we can reach a positive point since I want nothing but to enjoy some game
  3. Nick: BETAAAAAAAAAA IP: SteamID: STEAM_0:0:3386849 Data: Adminul care te-a banat:Posedatul Motiv: SS + WG Dovada: SS : https://easyupload.io/m/3guhwm wg: https://www.wargods.ro/wcd/report.php?id=2927892 Demo : https://easyupload.io/8r69fe when i was asked for uploading and gone to upload, unfortunately i lost my internet connection, but I posted it directly on ts3 and forum but got no response till now. that's not the first time i get a check by admin, whenever someone ask me i always deliver you can check the ta3 chat room I always post there and here some of the previous evidences https://easyupload.io/m/6pp887 https://easyupload.io/m/0b97pl i just want to enjoy the game Thanks;
  4. i do get checked many times by admins here, and i always deliver when i'm asked for proofs, i do totaly get nothing by quiting during the game and upload here when i'm totaly clean don't you think so, i lost connection during the game , but i directly uploaded on ts3 and forum . these who seen me play before know me. i just want to enjoy https://easyupload.io/nwgnk3 also you can check the ts3 server room , there's all the proofs i get asked to paste from every time there
  5. Nick: BETAAAAAAAAAA IP: SteamID: STEAM_0:0:3386849 Data:06-08-2024 Adminul care te-a banat:Posedatul Motiv: SS + WG Dovada: SS : https://easyupload.io/m/yli5a4 wg : https://www.wargods.ro/wcd/report.php?id=2927892 when i was asked for uploading and gone to upload, unfortunately i lost my internet connection that's not the first time i get a check by admin, whenever someone ask me i always deliver i have no problems, just want to enjoy Thanks;
  6. Nick: BETAAAAAAAAAA IP: SteamID: Date: Permenant ban The admin who banned you : aDy- Reason :ss.demo.on.forum.thx Evidence adds : The screenshots : https://easyupload.io/m/4vdynd The demo : https://easyupload.io/mx91ze I just got the ban really fast not getting enough time to upload, I don't know my steamID (forgot to take screenshot of the ban details) I'm a steam player I'm an active player I have never had any problem with anyone there, I just want to enjoy the game So I request unban ,thanks
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