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  • Birthday 04/30/1986

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  1. Nick: Angel of Verdun ~* IP: steam: STEAM_0:1:44406277 Data: 25.08.2024 Admin: Game -PRL- ON Motiv: Verdun Dovada: https://www.wargods.ro/wcd/report.php?id=2938446 this admin try to scam me using some program on my cpu and send it too someone calls "profesional watcher" xd I play this game since 2013 - i wos seweral times adm on polish lead servers, i have been few times on UBT... dont get my wrong i just own you using my skills need too unnban 🙂
  2. Hello all. is there anybody who can tell me why admin "StirileProTV" break the rules? i ask him why he doing this and afther that i get ban... wired! Me and few players saw him climbing on map mirage2 - 2 players ask him why he do it? and they dont get response. After that i get spect mode to make wg scan but first he try to force me to make faster when i wos on game and i count frag... he cant stand and w8 until round end. On new round i make wg and i send him alsow i ask him why he climb on map:? After that i get ban xd ************************************************ Informacje o banie Nick: Angel of Verdun ~* IP: Powod: <you Dlugosc bana: 1 hour, 40 minutes Czas do unbana: 11:47:09 7/28/2024 Nick admina: StirileProTV Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:0:30302733 ************************************************
  3. @Demos I upload for you demo without zip. Check it out https://www.zippyshare.day/ZIZSUsH0P8qWRel/file
  4. i still w8ting @Demos ;)
  5. Informacje o zakazie: ************************************************ Informacje o banie Nick: Angel of Verdun ~* IP: Powod: put.the.demo.on.the.forum Czas do unbana: Permanent Ban Nick admina: demos Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:0:763943645 ************************************************ Imię: Angel of Verdun ~* IP: Powód: put.the.demo.on.the.forum Czas odblokowania: perm ban Nazwa administratora: demos Steamid administratora: STEAM_0:0:763943645 Data: 09.04.2024 https://www.wargods.ro/wcd/report.php?id=2861603 westwoodDA.rar
  6. 1️⃣ CS Nick: Angel of Verdun ~* 2️⃣ Age/Age: 38 3️⃣ SteamID: STEAM_0:1:44406277 4️⃣ TeamSpeak3: yes/no-> ts.dual-gaming.ro no ( i dont understand yours language) 5️⃣ Link gametracker with your nick: https://www.gametracker.rs/player/
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