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The Ghost

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About The Ghost

  • Birthday 05/14/1997

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  1. Can you show me actual proof of me altering client.dll, instead of just saying I have?
  2. So first it was aim, now it’s no spread? You guys just don’t want me to play on your server lol i have a new computer today and can show a video of me installing new copies of cs and tfc on steam, and show that these files come into your folders automatically… but it doesn’t matter since you guys want to keep me unfairly banned
  3. Is someone going to review this…?
  4. If you think client.dll and tfc.dll is aimbot… go and look in your cstrike folder, you will find client.dll… tfc.dll is the same client but for the game team fortress classic i don’t use aim bot. These dll are normal with steam
  5. Nick: The Ghost~ IP: SteamID: STEAM_0:0:27164022 Data: 12/10/24 Adminul care te-a banat: Stirile pro TV Motiv: aim I have been banned for aim when no wargod proof was asked? pose verified me last week and unbanned yet you have banned me again for no reason..
  6. 1️⃣Nick CS: The Ghost~ 2️⃣Vărstă/Age: 28 3️⃣SteamID: STEAM_0:0:27164022 4️⃣TeamSpeak3: da/nu -> ts.dual-gaming.ro nu 5️⃣Link gametracker cu nick-ul vostru: https://www.gametracker.com/player/The Ghost~/
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