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About benzina8870

  • Birthday 05/08/1984

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  1. Dragii mei admini astazi in jurul orei 18si 30 de min am hotarat sa fac o verificare lui Kakaoo impreuna cu watcherul lukiDuki manager si pe ts general si sau gasit astea https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/8564b2f4c76aac5eb645514bd8fb82a1f57009557c506c0fcef3ce5b2ee078cf/details <19:16:55> "LukiDuki": https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/860f2d369c46831584aa827ff10a49b563f72e596d13c2c11058c87b73d0bd7d/details <19:17:23> "LukiDuki": https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/dc9bfd575a29abbe1d542ce41143f388cd56b2280f25af64c1699b43a04c1125/details <19:17:39> "LukiDuki": https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/4f7dca9537cdf20b65da599ffc33ea69e8a132239cfb6a3d0b1b623359dcda85/details <19:18:21> "LukiDuki": https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/7802a1fcc2ab1749399e455faae907c0df3194386160dc4fa0164c427662fdc2/relations <19:18:43> "LukiDuki": https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/ad16e56157ceae1169edb1bfa6c902ce85d3f5e23815403d27ccff32efb1a4f2/relations <19:19:11> "LukiDuki": https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/88f7c7fe458ec238599dc57063a69b6417902f1e3591c6239af7c400954f764e/relations asta <19:23:06> "LukiDuki": https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/dc61331e007f8a4aecb1714c6fb71ff80500de117d88fe3cfa79be87b0a9aa25/details <19:23:39> "LukiDuki": https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/aa30426673f4b5b0227fa2b6b65f7aa91abb3f8d3ad1cc81f95dbb8fcbee1c40/details <19:24:01> "LukiDuki": https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/5586466c2b8e12aa39581317c2047ed868d928fe7b4e541171c9967b21eedaa4/details https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/88f7c7fe458ec238599dc57063a69b6417902f1e3591c6239af7c400954f764e/relations <19:39:27> "LukiDuki": https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/dc61331e007f8a4aecb1714c6fb71ff80500de117d88fe3cfa79be87b0a9aa25/detection <19:39:32> "LukiDuki": https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/88f7c7fe458ec238599dc57063a69b6417902f1e3591c6239af7c400954f764e/detection <19:39:37> "LukiDuki": https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/ad16e56157ceae1169edb1bfa6c902ce85d3f5e23815403d27ccff32efb1a4f2/detection dupa care am spus ca daca doreste sa ramana pe official am hotarat impreuna cu watcher sa nu mai jopace valve si lam sfatuit sa isi ia steam RASPUNSUL LUI <20:19:04> "Kakao111": ok <20:20:07> "Kakao111": means throughh this cs I cant play <20:21:06> "Game -PRL- ON": WITHOUT STEAM YOU NO PLAY <20:21:54> "Kakao111": yes I know <20:22:31> "Kakao111": Go play on other servers <20:22:42> "Game -PRL- ON": OK
  2. go f...your self respond to admin when tocking with you dont be boot what the f you think .......all people stay to respond you or what ??
  3. i ask you 10000 times Masticaziiiii un cazzzoooo Masticazzziiiii no respond i give you ban 5 minutes becouse i know all this players like you after ban go forum alll noobs i will unbaned you
  4. hooooo you droped ...and i banned ..........................and you come aftter right in second i banned sry i unbaned you
  5. Nu stau sa ii scriu lu asta in engleza...Va scriu voua adminilor si celor ce se uita aici....asta se lauda si mai sus ca joaca din 2013 si ne spune ca suntem slabi pe langa el se lauda ca joaca de ani de zile si nu stie ca si la mixuri se cere verificare ...asta ma acuza ca vreau sai fur conturile bancare din calculator si ca vrem sai bagam nu stiu ce in pc...alta scuza mai pr0asta de atat nu exista ....alegerea este a voastra ....va salut pe toti
  6. i ask you for verification with a professional watcher and you refused so NO
  7. my friend https://www.wargods.ro/wcd/report.php?id=2937289 this was your wargod ...i give you ban ...after you delete your cs and https://www.wargods.ro/wcd/report.php?id=2937311 this is your new wargod with new cs...that....sorry
  8. eu sunt pRaLea sefule
  9. daca stam cate 40 de minute dupe fiecare......ajungem departe intrai cu un alt-tab si spuneai ba nu le gasesc asteapta .....dar nu ma lasi sa vb singur 40 de minute
  10. am strigat la tine 40 de minute dupa ceas.....am zis pozele....si am zis un wargod nu mia raspuns nimeni lasti victimizarile
  11. Prietene neam uitat 5 oameni la demo-ul tau ..... si o sa il dea zsm la toata lumea ....toti au fost de acord sa te banam sa se uite si daca cineva crede ca esti curat sa iti scoata banul si eu imi cer scuze....
  12. Nick jucator: Taki IP: Steamid:STEAM_1:1:1184621349 Data si ora: nu mai stiu exact Motiv: no ss and drop . nu iam dat am asteptat sa fac lista asta a vietii.... Dovada: TaKi STEAM_1:1:1184621349 "TaKi" trebuie sa iti prezinte - poze, una dintre ele trebuie sa fie verde ! Omar timed out Omar has left the game *** XtraX killed LIL SUPA with a headshot from m4a1 *** [DG] Poze facute jucatorului "TaKi" ! XtraX + danii killed Stx with deagle ILIOIKIO!!! + Stx killed XtraX with m4a1 [SPEC] TaKi : what [STAF-ONLY] At VIPs, you are allowed to ask for pictures and demo! TaKi dropped TaKi has left the game
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