News about the forum, its projects and servers belonging to the community; forum suggestion proposals; questions / issues related to the forum / a server / your account.
Information about the warnings & bans given, useful guides and tutorials, complaints to the staff members as well as interactive contests organized by the members of the Administration!
Design is an English word meaning project, drawing (design), sketch (design). The use of the term in the field of free drawing (art) is forced and therefore not recommended.
salut, ash vrea sa fiu membru!
de multe ori intru pe server si nui nici un admin, si codatii ishi fac de cap!
experienta am putina, dar repede o sa inteleg!
Hello Admins . can you please remove ban from the server. yesterday my computer crashed somehow and I wasnt able to send the pictures from imgur and got banned. this is the site where you can see pictures in imgur
Ban Information
Nom: Grga
SteamID: STEAM_0:4:1945619534
Raison: NOSS
Heure � laquelle vous serez unban: Ban Permanent
Nom de l'admin: -=^Sake10Dolars^=-
Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:0:572