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Everything posted by sNd.

  1. Am copilarit frumos na-m pierdut femeia la aparate
  2. Aici vor apărea toți adminii care primesc upgrade/downgrade, pe baza unui motiv sau a unei dovezi. Doar ownerii (fondatorii) serverului sau managerul responsabil de admini și upgrade/downgrade au dreptul să posteze iar upgrade-ul/downgrade-ul trebuie însoțit de un motiv ! Upgrade / Downgrade / Remove ➸ Numele adminului: ➸ Gradul avut: ➸ Grad nou: ➸ Motiv: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EN Here will be posted all the admins that receive an upgrade/downgrade, based on a reason or proof. Only server owners (founders) or the manager responsible for admins and upgrade/downgrade have the right to post here and the upgrade/downgrade must be followed by a reason ! Upgrade / Downgrade / Remove ➸ Admin name: ➸ Old rank: ➸ New rank: ➸ Reason:
  3. Titlul topicului trebuie sa fie dupa urmatorul model: [OFFICIAL] BanList nick Modelul dupa care postati este următorul: Nick jucator: IP: Steamid: Data si ora: Motiv: Dovada: Pentru demo folositi: https://www.zippyshare.com/ https://www.4shared.com/ https://ufile.io/ https://www.mediafire.com/
  4. # Modelul trebuie respectat, altfel cererea va fi RESPINSĂ din start! # Nume Topic: [OFFICIAL] UNBAN"Nick-ul Tău" Succes, Staff OFFICIAL.DUAL-GAMING.RO
  5. ★Consideri că ești neîndreptățit sau ești cauza unui abuz , urmeaza modelele de. Mai jos . MODEL RECLAMATIE ADMIN ★ Numele dumneavoastră: ★ Numele adminului: ★ Data şi ora la care s-a produs incidentul: ★ Motivul plângerii: ★ Dovezi (poze/demo): MODEL RECLAMATIE PLAYER ★Numele dumneavoastră: ★Numele player-ului: ★ IP/STEAMID-ul reclamatului: ★Motivul plângerii: ★Dovezi (poze/demo): 1. Pozele le puteţi uploada pe unul dintre site-urile: www.imgur.com / www.postimage.org / www.tinypic.com etc. 2. Demo-urile le puteti uploada pe unul dintre site-urile: www.zippyshare.com / www.2shared.com / www.filedropper.com etc. 3. Respectă titlul topicului: [Raportare Admin] Nick-ul adminului. [Raportare Player] Nick-ul playerului.
  6. Cautam jucatori relaxati, rabdatori, care stiu sa faca diferenta intre skill si hack, cu respect pentru jucatorii cu bun simt. Citeste REGULAMENTUL si daca crezi ca te incadrezi, urmeaza procedura de mai jos: Creaza un topic nou cu titul "[OFFICIAL] sNd.<nick>" , unde <nick> este numele cu care joci pe server si completeaza dupa modelul de mai josWe are looking for relaxed, patient players who know the difference between skill and hack, with respect for players with common sense. Read the regulation and if you think you fit in, follow the procedure below: Create a new topic with the title "[OFFICIAL] sNd.<nick>", where <nick> is the name you play with on the server and complete it according to the model below Model cerere Admin Vârsta: Experienţa ca admin(perioada de timp in care ai activat ca admin): Ore jucate (GAMETRACKER ): Poti ajuta financiar?: De ce doresti accesul?: Ai citit REGULAMENTUL?: *Este necesar un minimum de timp petrecut pe server pentru a ne putea forma o parere despre tine. Model de confirmare acces: [!]: În cazul în care, cererea acces a dumneavoastră a fost acceptată, veți da PM, celui care v-a închis topicul, sub forma următoare: ★ Răspunsul la întrebarea Ai citit regulamentul ? se află aici: ÎN REGULAMENT ★ Este nevoie de minim 5 ore jucate. ★ Vârsta minimă 16 ani. ★ Numele topicului trebuie să fie de forma: [OFFICIAL] Admin NICK ★ Gradul oferit este HELPER! ★ Fiecare ACCES PRIMIT va fi testat de un owner. (Va da un test de 15 minute - 10 întrebări). ★ Aveți voie la o altă cerere la 3 zile de când a fost respinsă prima cerere! ★ În cazul în care Modelul de Confirmare Acces nu se va respecta, confirmarea nu va fi luată în seamă. Accese admin HELPER amx_slap amx_gag amx_last amx_showip amx_spectate amx_nick amx_votemapmenu amx_t, amx_ct, amx_spec amx_chat ESP MENU *Este necesar un minimum de timp petrecut pe server pentru a ne putea forma o parere despre tine. EN We are looking for relaxed, patient players who know the difference between skill and hack, with respect for players with common sense. Read the REGULATION and if you think you fit in, follow the procedure below: Create a new topic with the title "[OFFICIAL] sNd.<nick>", where <nick> is the name you play with on the server and complete it according to the model below. Model Reguest Admins Age: Experience as an admin (time period in which you have been active as an admin): Hours Played(GameTracker.Com Link ): Can you help financially?: Why do you want access?: Have you read the rules?: *A minimum amount of time spent on the server is required in order for us to form an opinion about you. ★The answer to the question Have You read the regulations? it is here: IN THE REGULATIONS ★ A minimum of 5 hours of play is required. ★ Minimum age 16 years. ★ Topic name must be of the form: [OFFICIAL] Admin NICK ★ The degree offered is HELPER! ★ Every ACCESS RECEIVED will be tested by an owner. (He will give a test of 15 minutes - 10 questions). ★ You are allowed another application 3 days after the first application was rejected! ★ If the Access Confirmation Model is not followed, the confirmation will not be taken into account.
  7. Serverul OFFICIAL.DUAL-GAMING.RO oferă VIP GOLD gratis cu o simplă cerere daca dispui de 50 de ore jucate pe server. ÎNDEPLININD CONDITIILE DE MAI JOS. SAU PRIN AL ACHIZITIONA LA SUMA DE 5 EURO LUNAR SAU 25 EURO PERMANENT. Postați reply în acest topic după model. MODEL CERERE: Nick: Link STEAM?: ore jucate?link gametracker: Cât timp poți fi activ pe server pe zi?: Cumpărare: - Răsplătim doar jucătorii care dețin steam si sunt activi pe server saptamanal. minim 50 ore jucate - The RED.WESTCSTRIKE.RO server offers free VIP GOLD with a simple request. FULFILLING THE CONDITIONS BELOW. OR BY PURCHASING IT FOR 5 EUROS MONTHLY OR 25 EUROS PERMANENTLY. Post a reply in this topic by model. MODEL REGUEST Nick: Link STEAM?: HOW MUCH YOU CAN STAY ACTIVED?: Buy: VIP BENEFITS → Max. HP - 105 → Green writing in chat → You appear in TAB as a VIP → Double jump → View DMG in real time → 15 HP on KILL, → V.I.P Weapons Menu → (after first 3 rounds) → 100 AP, DEAGLE, 1 HE, 2 FLASHBANG, Defuse KIT (only at CT) → (every round) -We only reward players who own steam and are active on the weekly server. PM @sNd. @ Official pentru mai multe informații sau achizitionarea Vipului prin donatie .
  8. Nick: Tag dorit: Esti admin/Vip?:
  9. Serverul OFFICIAL.DUAL-GAMING.RO Organizeaza un Concurs TOP 15 In valoare de 150 EURO Pentru primele 3 persoane din top 15 timp de 30 zile , Concursul este Organizat in scopul de a atrage mai multi jucatori si de a le oferii o suma frumusica de bani in schimbul activitatii pe server. CONDITII: cine participa Are datoria sa lase reply in acest topic dupa modelul urmator: REGULAMENT ori ce mica chestie de trisare aduce descalificarea din top+ban /remove daca este cazul pe server. 2 fragurile pe playerii afk sunt interzise te-am prins te-am exclus ! 3 playerii afk trebuie eliminati de pe server de ori ce admin si nu profitat de ei 4 nu se baga playeri afk pentru a creste in fraguri . Nume joc : Particip DA/NU : Steam on ? : START CONCURS 15.01.2023 ora 22:00 DURATA CONCURS 30 ZILE Locul 1 100 EURO /paypal/ing Locul 2 Steam licentiat +Vip gold 1 luna Locul 3 Vip Permanent lista interzisi prinsi cu wall/aim Nume : DHT wall: https://www3.zippyshare.com/v/mn25Ab2r/file.html// https://www3.zippyshare.com/v/7zZQI0IK/file.html
  10. "I" Changing the map 1* You are NOT allowed to change the map without a vote - Sanction start from a verbal warning to removal. 2* You have the duty to advise each other before voting - Sanctions start with a verbal warning. 3*You have the duty to vote at least 3 maps -Sanctions start with a verbal warning. 4*The cards from the say /(the last 9 maps played) are excluded from the vote - Sanctions start with a verbal warning. 5*Between the hours of 22:00-12:00 only DE_DUST2 or DE_DUST2X2 maps will be played - Sanctions start from 7-day suspension, up to -1 to the degree or even REMOVE 6* The vote will be given only in the last 10 minutes and changes in the last 5-Sanction start from verbal warning to -1 to the even REMOVE. II Using commands 1* You are NOT allowed to swear on the say/say_team public chat - Violation of the rules is Sanctioned starting from -1 degree. 2*You are NOT allowed to give a ban without presenting the reason - It is Sanctioned starting from -1 degree. 3*Admins are not allowed to give a kick after 01:00 to any player / admin due to afk or spectator - Sanctioned starting from -1 degree. 4*All admins are obliged to have a banlist on the forum - Sanctions start with a verbal warning . IIl Temporary baned 1* To give a temporary ban, used "amx_banip" time reason. 2*Those who offend the players or administrators are given a gag for a period between 3 and 29 minutes (maximum) depending on the offenses or ironies in question. If there is a retry after the gag, it applies between 30 and 120 minutes at your choice .Sanctioned starting from -1 degree. The penalty for not complying with these instructions atart with a 3 day suspension in case of non-compliance with penalty. IV. Permanent bans 1* All permanent coins are given on STEAMID / IP. To ban a player, use the command amx_banip "name" "0" "reason " (quotes "" are not mandatory). If the respective one has left the server, use the command amx_addban Nick "STEAMID OR IP" 0 REASON. (the STEAMID must be between "" in both cases). To find out the STEAMID, use the command in the amx_last console if it has left the server. 2*All permanent payments are given with proof (demo or photo). All admins must have a proof on him for 14 days, in case of an unban request/complaint - Sanctioned starting from -1 degree. 3*Do not ban the IP class Sanctioned starting from -1 degree.Violation Of the rules is sanctioned with REMOVE 4* Players with a permanent ban are sanctioned : - for using codes of any type. - if he was banned in the past and you are sure that it is the same player. - serious insults to the Staff and the CS server. 5*Each admin has the obligation to apply the ban order only if the proof belongs to him. Ban request to another admin is prohibited - Sanctioned starting from -1 degree For admin who executed the. Order V. Nickname & amx_say 1* It is forbidden to play with a name other than the one you have access to. Only nicks where your identity can be easily recognized by the other admins are accepted. Sanctions in such cases start from a 5-day suspension. 2*It is forbidden for admins to use amx_say/csay/tsay in their own interest -Sanctions start with a verbal warning. 3*The amx_say command is used a maximum of 3 times in a row - Sanctions start with a verbal warning. Vl. Login data (admin name and password) 1* It is forbidden to alienate the access data of other people, respectively nick/pass - steam - Violation Of the rules is sanctioned with REMOVE 2* It is forbidden to your cfg to other people, not before checking/removing any line of setinfo _cs from it. It may contain your access data. 3* Changing the nickname or password is done by private message to one of the Founders/Owners who has FTP access. 4* If you have forgotten your login data and you no longer have the message sent with the access data, request their resending to a Founder/Owner. 5* Owners with FTP access are prohibited from disclosing personal login data or server/forum passwords to another admin regardless of their rank or to third parties, these being sent exclusively via PM to legal entities - Sanctioned starting from -1 degree.Violation Of the rules is sanctioned with REMOVE ARE YOU COMING, ADMIN ACTIVITY. 1* Admins must have an account on the forum and be active on the server. 2* Admins have the duty to inform themselves about the conditions of the server (regulations, plugins, notices). Misinformation caused by the admins is borne at your own risk. 3* The pictures taken by a player will upload all 5 pictures by him on IMGUR (an account is required) or on Postimage (an account is not required) in the same link. If the player does not find the pictures in ,cstrike it will be helped by the admins to find the pictures in AppData (there is a tutorial in the "Free Discussions" section, called "Admin Information - SS"). If the player fails, the pictures will also be posted on the forum, at Unban Requests -Sanctions start with a verbal warning. Vlll. Other obvision. 1* DO NOT abuse the admin - Violation of the rules is sanctioned according to the sanctions system 2* Admins must be impartial and keep the game as free and pleasant as possible - Pelanties for favoritism start from -1 degree 3*Attacks of any nature between admins are prohibited. Do not judge yourself, present to the owner - .Violation Of the rules is sanctioned with REMOVE 4* The use of commands between you, the admins, is strictly prohibited - Violation Of the rules is sanctioned with -1 5* CONGRATULATIONS! You had the good initiative to read the rules and you are one step away from becoming an admin. A little bit left! 6* Players are not kicked. The server has a plugin that takes care of this when it is full. Violation of the rule is.Sanctions start with a verbal warning. 7* Admins have the obligation to maintain a decent language, both on the forum and on the server, including the public CHAT and the CHAT of the admins - Sanctions start with a verbal warning. 8* If an admin retires and wants to return to the staff, he will receive the rank of Major, regardless of the rank he had! lX. rigths 1* Administrators have the right to information. 2*Admins have the right to free expression. 3*Administrators have the right to free choice. 4*Administrators have the right to take decisions to maintain order and discipline. X. Obligations 1* If a player tells you to watch someone because they claim to have codes, you have the obligation to do it - Sanctions start with a verbal warning. 2*Respect your colleagues and players on the server. 3*If you have a problem and you are absent from the server for more than 5/6 days, you are obliged to notify an owner on discord/forum, otherwise you will be sanctioned if you do not notify. 4* You must be an example for the other players! Cʉᵛanₜʉl cĥᵆIe linoleum must be completed in the last question of the admin application. 5* Follow the advice/instructions of higher-ranking admins. 6* Maintaining a pleasant atmosphere on the server and a fair game. 7* You are obliged to respond to admin requests / slot requests / unban requests / complaints on the forum, within a maximum of 24 hours - Violation of the rule is Sanctioned starting with a verbal warning. 8* Admins with a higher rank or older admins have the obligation to help the new admin and explain what he has to do if he has some problems. Do not jump on him and do not criticize because no one is born educated. 9* Admins are no longer allowed to ask for explanations for the commands used by colleagues in any form and under any circumstances of the "Co-Owners/Owners" ranks - Come with the evidence to the founder or an Ts staff only section in case of problems with any admin - .Sanctions start with a verbal warning. 10* If you suspect a code admin, do not provoke discussions directly or indirectly on the server/forum and do not execute commands on him.You are obliged to bring a clear proof against the respective admin (demo/pictures). These posted in advance to the "Staff only" section to be analyzed. 11* Admins have the right to inquire about the staff only password and check the section periodically. Xl. Other 1* Indifference in any form towards the mandatory admin activity is Sanctions starting with a verbal warning to REMOVE. 2*If an Owner enters the server and notices coded players and online admins who are actually playing without having the interest to clean the server, all those present on the server are Sanctioned with verbal warning -1 degree. 3*If an Owner asks for help in checking the players or gives directives to the admins on the server that are related to their activity and conduct, and they do not respect them by ignoring or contesting them, The Sanctions start to flow from verbal warning if it foes not fall under another sanction from thensisyem of sanctions 4*The present regulation is completed with its other 2 forms (Forum regulation/Player regulation). 5* The regulation is valid for absolutely everyone, without exception! Xll. Objection T's Objectives. - The terrorists must place the BOMB [C4] in one of the designated places. - If the bomb is dropped, then the terrorists must pick it up and detonate it in the bombsite. In this situation, CAMPING IS PROHIBITED! - If the bomb has been planted, the terrorists must protect the area where it is located. - On the de_nuke map, players who camp on the house after the 40th second will receive a slap/slay. - Access to the big tower from Tero is prohibited on the de_cbble map. - Players are NOT ALLOWED ON MAPS with the exception of: de_nuke_inarna. - Camping without justification or with the aim of making only "fruits to the alms" is not encouraged. Exaggeration of such behavior is prohibited. - On DE type maps (defused) Team Tero aims to plant the bomb. Camping with a bomb in the base is prohibited! CT Objectives: - CT rush is allowed! - The CTs have the obligation to defuse the BOMB if it has been detonated. - If a player does not fulfill his objective in the time allotted to the round, he receives a warning from an admin, and if he still does not mobilize, he receives a slay. * The slaps and slays of tge player who do not go for the ct-tero bomb will be given only after 35 th second Exeption: only applies when a single Tero is left alone with low hp against at least 5 enemies. Exception: only applies when a single Counter Terrorist is left alone with low hp against at least 5 enemies. The management has the right to modify the provisions of the Regulation at any time. Admins and players are asked to periodically read this regulation to take note of its latest updates. The management reserves the right in the actions taken, and a privileged user of this forum does not have the right to ask for explanations of the sanction carried out
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