>>Nick: B-VIX
>>Nick-ul admin-ului reclamat: BldWu
>>Data si ora: 12:32 - 07/10/2023
>>Motivul:the threat of remove (Without Reason) | I do this reclamatie just for make you understand what happen
>>Dovezi:https://www.mediafire.com/file/f9fr22t8dsoke0l/All+The+Conversation.txt/file (Conversation Here)
**N1kcho**metttzzzyyy**IraQ** [See What Happen]
When Bldwu are banned for 10 min bcs aimbot i wait untill he return then i want to talk to him about if he using some cfg or hack or idk but no respons for him i try many time but still no respons then i slap him for 0 damage to make him respon , but he tell what i will be removed soon [and still dont know how he's banned
1 admin tell me to ban him but i dont want bcs he's VIP and ADMIN so that what happen i let you rate that