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Everything posted by VASY

  1. >>Nume: kamen >>Ip: >>SteamID (daca exista) STEAM_0:4:439737707 >>Data/ 08.03.2024 Ora 21:10 >>Motiv: no.ss
  2. >>Nume: graps (schimbat in ITS) >>Ip: >>SteamID (daca exista) STEAM_0:4:775251641 >>Data/ 08.03.2024 Ora 20:40 >>Motiv: no.ss
  3. data 08:03:2024 ora 20:20
  4. data 07:03:2024 ora 21:05
  5. 05:03:2024 ora 20:00
  6. data 03.03.2024 ora 22:00
  7. DATA 01:03:2024 ORA 22:30
  8. data 26:02:2024 ora 20:00
  9. data 24:02:2024 ora 19:00
  10. data 23:02:2024 ora 13:22
  11. Contra pentru ca esti admin pe aim pro daca iti faci orele pe sv si sa ai activitate pe ts Din pacate nu poti avea admin pe ambele servere , Asteptam deciza ta unde vrei sa fii admin !
  12. data 22:02:2024 ora 00:45
  13. aceept cosetintele luate de administrator pentru lipsa dovada!!1
  14. yes, you got paid. because you had a wall ban once before. and now I gave you money because on dust2 you came out with the target on me, who was on the box by the stairs on d2, you came out shooting with awp, when you saw that you had taken me, you went after the server, and I don't really believe that dad called you, you came out as if he had taken me because he knew it up there on the box
  15. DATA 20:02:2024 ORA 17:30
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