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Everything posted by Hunter3.0

  1. age:19 name:Hunter3.0 steam: non-steam hours everyday: 2 to 4 atleast donate: i can do it read the rules: YES
  2. Pro! remove this guy -1 such a bad admin and player no respect towards anyone i dont think he deserve the position of admin -Co-Owner but all the other admin i can say are purfect love towards everybody and know what they are doing 100% of the time especially Zsm and TYNBV who happens to hate a nation!!! 🙂
  3. Hey mate Hunter3.0 here. If u want to get unbanned from the server pls do these steps: make a post in imgur.com including the 5 exact pics i took from you with the map name and a date. Second post your demo in site easyupload.io. Then both the links put here as a post on topic unban requests. Please do the steps right. Also the reason i banned you: because i took ss from you, which you didn't gave me: and after 5 mins of me waiting, you just left the server and i was forced to ban you :)
  4. Voted
  5. Voted
  6. 1️⃣Nick CS:Hunter3.0 2️⃣Vărstă/Age:18 3️⃣SteamID: 4️⃣TeamSpeak3: da/nu -> - yes 5️⃣Link gametracker cu nick-ul vostru: https://www.gametracker.com/player/Hunter3.0/Official.dual-gaming.ro:27015/
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