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Everything posted by knifekiller

  1. never mind i some how managed to find it https://imgur.com/a/crRNSA8
  2. ************************************************ Ban Information Name: CLAN l* KNIFE KILLER SteamID: STEAM_0:4:1139402575 Reason: go.forum Unban Time: Ban Permanent Admin Name: GaBrYeLL<3 Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:1:60285899 If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information to our website: www.dual-gaming.ro/forum sectiunea ALBA ************************************* got banned again i cant find the ss please guide me further where can i find ss and under what name i can find them i have look it up in c strike but couldn't fine it
  3. thank you for your reply finn well i will have a look on that but i am playing in your servers since 1 week now i am here only because i don't use hack and don't cheat that's why i came by and ask for evidence i will see how to fix it Sorry for the trouble
  4. hello i don't use hacks i use to play cs go and i am using my aim upside to head and shoot i did not use aim hack ************************************************ Ban Information Name: CLAN l* KNIFE KILLER IP: Reason: AIMBOT Ban Length: 2 days, 12 hours Unban Time: 5:23:54 3/24/2024 Admin Name: ALBA.DUAL-GAMING.RO [ REVIVE + VIP ] Admin SteamID: If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information to our website: www.dual-gaming.ro/forum sectiunea ALBA ************************************
  5. hi this is knifekiller i was playing to and got banned for unfairly ************************************************ Ban Information Name: CLAN l* KNIFE KILLER IP: Reason: AIMBOT Ban Length: 2 days, 12 hours Unban Time: 5:23:54 3/24/2024 Admin Name: ALBA.DUAL-GAMING.RO [ REVIVE + VIP ] Admin SteamID: If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information to our website: www.dual-gaming.ro/forum sectiunea ALBA ************************************ i would like to see an evidence please NOTE: i am new to this forum things don't know the rite way to post a thread so bare with it please
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