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Everything posted by Sake10Dolars

  1. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: a fost BlackX apoi si-a schimbat numele in Finger SteamID: STEAM_0:4:1561994986 Motiv: noss Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  2. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: toske SteamID: STEAM_0:0:36866519---- STEAM ON! Motiv: noss Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  3. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: Zartones - STEAM ON SteamID: STEAM_0:1:107330933 Motiv: noss Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  4. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: Ian Douglas Smith ^ Rhodesian SteamID: STEAM_0:4:987580662 Motiv: noss Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  5. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: Omu din pietre SteamID: STEAM_0:1:845815099 Motiv: NAMECHANGER Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  6. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: #1 SteamID: STEAM_0:4:827745648 Motiv: noss a iesit cand sa schimbat mapa inapoi nu a mai intrat Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  7. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: Jerry C* SteamID: STEAM_0:0:543890207 Motiv: noss Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  8. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: Prefect SteamID: STEAM_0:4:1144712798 Motiv: noss Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  9. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: poki SteamID: STEAM_0:4:1056452084 Motiv: noss Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  10. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: karciderri SteamID: STEAM_0:4:2026938240 Motiv: noss https://www.zippyshare.day/tEeDat9olTqE2Nh/file Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  11. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: FaRToVI SteamID: STEAM_0:4:1870444019 Motiv: noss Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  12. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: MOO SteamID: STEAM_0:4:2007861181 Motiv: noss - Pe langa asta a inceput sa injure! Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  13. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: Bleed SteamID: STEAM_0:4:2079795901 Motiv: noss Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  14. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume sarah ❤️ Dupa sa conectat cu numele Zerg SteamID: STEAM_0:4:2008564712 Motiv: noss Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  15. We are sorry for this unpleasant event, you will receive an unban as soon as possible. We are glad that you chose our community and I hope that your stay will be as long as possible with an amazing geme experience.
  16. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: Grga SteamID: STEAM_0:4:1945619534 Motiv: NOSS specificatii- acesta mereu evita sa imi dea toate pozele ,deja fiind in banlist si vazand ca tot joaca pe sv am zis sa ii fac din nou poze. Am vrut sa ii mai dau o sansa dar acesta repeta aceeasi metoda de a evita sa imi dea toate pozele. Este deja in banlist pentru wall! https://imgur.com/a/tr41T4K Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent
  17. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: .Ortopedul. SteamID: STEAM_0:0:18044045 Motiv: namechanger Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  18. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: kkl SteamID: STEAM_0:4:1811529072 Motiv: noss Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  19. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: AFG lofar halakan SteamID: STEAM_0:4:1685039751 Motiv: noss Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  20. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: asteroid SteamID: STEAM_0:4:1455948416 Motiv: banlist Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  21. go to unban request ,not here because here u will not get unban!
  22. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: asteroid SteamID: STEAM_0:4:1616709950 Motiv: aim+wall! DEMO-https://www.zippyshare.day/soYiLxA4f0y1AAo/file Specificatii- Daca vine pentru unban,rog verificarea demo-ului serios ! Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
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