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Everything posted by Sake10Dolars

  1. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: DC_N1N SteamID: STEAM_0:4:2085452802 Motiv: NO SS DEMO ON _https://www.zippyshare.day/sPJTozqvXGS0sPU/file Pozele date de catre el ---https://imgur.com/a/BMDYhyK Specificatii ___I-am cerut pozele in urma anuntarii sale pe U@ de alti playeri si acesta mi-a dat decat 4 fara o poza respectiv prima,i-am mai dat o sansa acestuia sa imi dea toate pozele din nou dar nu raspundea...am asteptat dupa el 15 min! Martori au fost Cosmin si Pharadox ! Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  2. Nu te-am vazut pe TS,eu sunt ON mai tot timpul cand sunt pe sv! Bineinteles,te poftesc pe Serverul nostru de Teamspeak ALBA.DUAL-GAMING.RO - sa ne cunoastem mai bine,si de ce nu...pe viitor sa faci si tu parte din echipa noastra de STAFF!
  3. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: fredd SteamID: STEAM_0:4:1294632457 Motiv: wall Dovada ---https://www.zippyshare.day/ZpNn45RxM8TuVKa/file Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  4. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: PennyS SteamID: STEAM_0:4:167730576 Motiv: noss Specificatii- i-am facut poze si acesta nu le-a prezentat !!! A fost raportat de team u@ Dovada - DEMO ON ! https://www.zippyshare.day/55wMCEjL1WujrkQ/file Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  5. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: MIND MIND MIND MIND SteamID: STEAM_0:4:1388551627 Motiv: wall Dovada ----https://www.zippyshare.day/9IpSIOGRogL6L7P/file Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  6. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: CTC SteamID: STEAM_0:4:205486239 Motiv: noss Dovada --- Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  7. Nume- Sake10Dolars Data si ora - 16.03.2024 3.37
  8. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: ovsyankoy SteamID: STEAM_0:4:2059487208 Motiv: wall +aimbot Specificatii - Serverul era plin de codati si i-am dat repede ban pentru ca mai erau si altii ! Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  9. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: willy SteamID: STEAM_0:4:1078437376 Motiv: noss Dovada I Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  10. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: diablo SteamID: STEAM_0:4:844382976 Motiv: noss Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  11. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: gaf tera SteamID: STEAM_0:4:356533387 Motiv: noss Specificatii - I-am cerut pozele si acesta mi-a dat decat una ! Restul spunand ca nu are ! https://imgur.com/a/Qi8HExE Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  12. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: Pirtok SteamID: STEAM_0:4:246080279 Motiv: wall Dovada --- DEMO https://www.zippyshare.day/YrAm16z9f3RnSKK/file Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent Fullserver is joining the Counter-Terrorist force ************************************************
  13. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: blazz SteamID: STEAM_0:4:2074046970 Motiv: noss Specificatii _ I-am cerut pozele si acesta mi-a dat acest link ,spunand ca nu are poze de astazi ! Dovada - https://imgur.com/zIgmm03 Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  14. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: KND SteamID: STEAM_0:4:1945679611 Motiv: wall - Specificatii - I-am cerut pozele,acesta spunea ca nu vorbeste engleza desii raspundea in engleza. i-am spus sa urmeze pasii din /photos dar acesta spunea ca nu intelege engleaza ! Dovada - DEMO ------https://www.zippyshare.day/ESVLoATAUYD0wcb/file Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  15. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: AFG lofar halakan SteamID: STEAM_0:4:231352967 Motiv: wall Dovada---- https://www.zippyshare.day/tIaX1yzTtR0sMaB/file Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  16. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: Grga SteamID: STEAM_0:4:1945619534 Motiv: NoSS Specificatii -acesta mi-a dat alte poze ale lui MihaiCr -https://imgur.com/a/1bkCPg5https Demo on pe acesta prezentand urme de wall https://www.zippyshare.day/OqVCP7m9NYPMxnP/file Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  17. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: 58kays44 SteamID: STEAM_0:4:626605267 Motiv: WALL Dovada https://www.zippyshare.day/AxKAizqe3PVNwBk/file Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  18. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: son SteamID: STEAM_0:4:1565161678 Motiv: aimbot Dovada . i-am dat ban repede pentru ca nu lua de la sv ! Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  19. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: TEAM IMRAN KHAN SteamID: STEAM_0:4:175431019 Motiv: aimbot Dovada: Acest player a mai fost si cu o zi in urma si acesta cred ca are antiban sau VPN ca intra cam mereu,il tot banez in fiecare seara dar tot intra cu alt nick !! Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  20. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: udfif SteamID: STEAM_0:4:367206149 Motiv: wall https://imgur.com/a/AjSxP5h Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent
  21. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: BIBIJU SteamID: STEAM_0:4:1219027735 Motiv: no ss Dovada Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  22. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: Crni Cerak SteamID: STEAM_0:4:1345945466 Motiv: noss Dovada Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  23. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: ova SteamID: STEAM_0:4:599849166 Motiv: aimbot Dovada https://www.zippyshare.day/yU16MBaYRfKf5Gu/file Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
  24. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: KUCKAR SteamID: STEAM_0:4:1547730810 Motiv: noss Dovada Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************
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